Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

View of the lake
Gosh ladies, I know you wish your man was this hot...haha
Aidan's very own lounge chair at the pool
In his floaty I bought him just for the pool
Mmm animal crackers
Trying to drink a bubba with his life vest on
Hanging out with Daddy in the tube ( I had them tied to the dock)

Aidan waving to me on the lawn mower
Sleeping in his car seat
Hanging out at Nana & Grandpa's
Lounging on his grandpa
Adam relaxing (that thing we are all constantly trying to get him to do)

We had a very event filled, wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. We initially had planned on going to the beach house in Charleston for the weekend, but my dad's dental hygienist asked if she could take her grandson whom is living with a rare disease and his family to the house to get away from everything for the weekend. Of course we let them have the house. So we were still determined to spend some time in the sunshine! Adam thankfully is now completely done with working weekends so we had him all to ourselves! Adam drove to Shelby to get us all Bridge's BBQ for dinner Friday and we ate with my parents at their house. Saturday Amanda, Candace, Aidan and myself headed to the pool for the first time this season to see how Aidan would do. Well, after a little coaxing, surprise, surprise he loved it! We put him in the baby pool and he literally just walked around in his float, touched everything, splashed a little and had a great time. Sunday was followed by a similar outing to the pool with Amanda, Adam, Aidan and myself. Monday Adam was able to get the day off and we headed to Candace's parents home at Mountain Island Lake. It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed it. Aidan was absolutely perfect the entire day, Adam was really able to relax and we got to spend some good quality time as a family. I feel so blessed to get to live the life we do. My next post will probably be after the little guy's first birthday! I hope these pictures will tide you all over until then! Love to everyone.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Aidan is almost 11 months old!

As we come to the end of the first year of Aidan's amazes me to look back and see how much he has grown. This past Monday we had a check up at the Dr. and as usual, Aidan is as perfect as we knew he was. He now weighs 20lbs 14oz. WOW! That is almost triple what he weighed at birth. He is crawling all over the place and is in to absolutely everything! I have to say, I can't seem to figure out what the fascination is with power outlets. Now all of ours are equipped with plastic covers that are nearly impossible for even Adam or I to remove. Aidan has also mastered sitting up on his own from a laying position. Although to some this may seem like a great accomplishment, to us it is just the latest thing to keep Aidan up way past his bedtime. You see, he has mastered the sitting up, but the laying down afterwards he has not quite got. So, when we lay him down for bed at night in his crib, he almost immediately sits up and within ten minutes begins to screech because he truly is exhausted and wants to lay down to sleep. You would think one time of this would do it, but no, it continues sometimes for hours. On Tuesday morning, Adam went to get Aidan out of his crib and the poor guy was sleeping sitting up. Luckily for us, despite the funny little things he does, Aidan is a wonderful child. He is so happy and very easy going. We can't ever leave the house without someone complimenting us on how beautiful he is and how marvelous of a smile he has. I think for Adam and I, Aidan has filled a place in our hearts we didn't even know was empty. We are very blessed to have him and can't wait to see what the years ahead have in store. If the rest of our lives with him turn out to be half as good as the past year, it's going to be a great, great ride. We love you all, thanks for checking in! Here is my newest picture of the sweet boy!