I'm not doing New Years resolutions this year. I end up forgetting them, then remembering them and then I'm disappointed I didn't keep them. So that's that. I did make a promise to myself I would slow down and spend more time doing what Aidan wants to do and making time for our friends. I spent a lot of time blogging last year about being really busy and now I'm going to take that time and put it into my relationships. If my friends haven't forgotten me!
That is what leads me to writing my favorite posts of 2011 two weeks in to the New Year instead of doing it before like usual. I've been enjoying the Kid and something just told me you were not sitting around waiting on this post! :)
My Favorite Posts of 2011...
January- Celebrating five years with Adam. We just hit the 6 year mark and it's only getting better!
5 Years Together
February- Our dear friends the Chanthaboury's found out they were pregnant! Since then baby Avery has made her way in to the world and is as cute as can be!
Christin is Pregnant!!!
March- We finally had Aidan baptized! It was long overdue!
Aidan's Baptizm
April- Scenes from a Romantic getaway. Adam and I took a trip to Asheville and toured the Biltmore. It was perfect.
My Honey took me to Asheville
May- Scarlett Houston made her debut! I was thrilled for Natalie on the birth of her baby girl. Nothing is more exciting than watching your girlfriends experience the gift that is motherhood.
Scarlett is HERE!
June- Aidan turned 4! Part 1&2. I never take a year with him for granted. This year I refuse to work on his birthday. There was also the balloon release we did for Cohen Marshall. Such a sweet memorable thing for our family.
Aidan Bday Part 1
Aidan Bday Part 2
Cohen Balloon Release
July- We spent a week in Emerald Isle with my family minus Jordan. It was our first trip together in a couple of years and we really enjoyed ourselves!! I really can't get enough of my family they are the greatest!
Decot Family Beach Trip
August- I turned 28! And my family spoiled me!
28 and Spoiled
September- We camped. AND I made it out alive. I think I might have accidentally even liked it.
Camping Trip
October- I successfully pulled off a SURPRISE party for my hubby AND a week later we celebrated 4 years of marriage. October was really good to me.
Adam's 30th
4 Year Wedding Anni
November- My trip to Boston to see my girlfriend Mare and wedding dress shop!
Mariann is getting MARRIED!
December- We produced our best Christmas card to date (that's an opinion not a fact). I decided Scout gets to stay!
Christmas Card 2011
Scout's Here to Stay
That was fun! 2011 wasn't too shabby! I know 2012 is going to be even better!!! Happy New Year!!!
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