We've been friends for a long time. I've said before she is the best thing that came out of my relationship I was in before I met my hubby. She was the person I was with when I met Adam for the first time. She knew before anyone else that I was pregnant and Auntie Amanda came rushing the day Aidan was born. She was the first person to see my engagement ring just minutes after Adam popped the question and stood by me on the big day!
We've shared all of that and so much more. In years passed we've swapped birthday gifts and cards. Last year I made her this slideshow. When I as thinking about what I wanted to do for her this year I was having trouble coming up with something that was more special than something that I had done before or taking the risk of buying her something she wouldn't love or already had. I wanted to do something that was a testament to our friendship and all the fun we've had all these years as friends.
I was moving some things around the house and stumbled upon a photo album Amanda had gifted me with a few years ago. On the front was a picture she had snapped of a whimsical canvas she and I had seen at an acquaintances house during a Christmas party close to 10 years ago. It was hanging in the bathroom and at the time we fell in love with it and the quote about best friends. We were sure I could duplicate it for us to have in our own houses. Well here we were all these years later and it was never painted. So that's what I did. I finally painted the picture for Amanda.
(I don't claim to be an artist so don't laugh at my artwork)
It was a lot of fun to paint and I found myself smiling while working thinking back to that night. We were both single and the world was our oyster. We were all dressed up for the holiday party and had shared more than a couple of glasses of wine. We were being typical girls and had to use the bathroom together. We saw this painting and thought "That is so us!" The only place we wanted to be was there with each other and having that much fun.
(A picture of us that night. Seriously clueless as to who that guy is.)
A lot of birthdays have come and gone and things have changed more than we probably could have ever imagined. Thankfully our friendship has stayed the same. So Amanda, I hope that you loved your painting but most of all I hope you know that on your birthday and every other day of the year, that you are a gift to me!!!! Cheers to becoming old ladies together! I love you. Happy 28th!
I love how you honor your friends and family on your blog-- I can tell what a great friend you are to have. They're lucky to have you April!