I know, I know...I am DAYS behind on posting some pictures of our Halloween Monkey. (Right Hannah Jo) So drum roll please...Here they are and they are not that good because the kid was CRRRAAAZZZZY excited on Halloween and did not have time to have his picture taken!!!

This one is super blurry (they were all taken with my mom's iPhone because I forgot my camera) but he is talking to some kids about the haunted house across the street.
Aidan: mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm (his words right now) and lots of pointing

Handing some M&M's to a trick or treater about to come up my parents steps. He loved handing out candy but he loved putting candy in kids bags and taking it right back even more.

Every year we go to my mom and dad's to hand out candy with them. They live in a really nice neighborhood in the city that borders a not so nice neighborhood. All the kids from that neighborhood come over to Trick or Treat. Since it was a Saturday night, we knew we would see a BIG crowd. We were no were near prepared for the amount of kids we saw. We handed out over 800 pieces of candy. One piece to each kid. That's a lot of kids. We may have spent $200+ on candy but it's so worth seeing the smile on their faces.
Aidan had a great time. My parents friends that live across the street from them, have a haunted house every year. It made the news this time around! Aidan was pointing and say "monst" (monsters) all night. Uncle Bobby took him over there a couple times and he freaked but still wanted to go over and over. He trick or treated to couple of houses but we ended up having to give his candy away to some of our trick or treaters. It was probably the best thing that could of happened so that I wasn't eating candy in bed. Happy Halloween from the Harvey's (late)!! Hope everyone had a safe and fun time!
P.S. Already bought Aidan's costume for next year! It was 4 bucks at TJ Maxx! What a steal!!!
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