I guess when I realized how bad I had been about blogging, a million things rushed to my head that I wanted to tell you about...but I forgot most IMPORTANTLY...
For those of you that have been inquiring, Adam did take a job with Mac's Hospitality Group. We lucked out and he ended up with three job offers when he left his last job. He ended up going with Mac's because well to be perfectly honest, they offered him the most money and full benefits. It also helps that he has previously worked for them and knows the ropes.
So YEAH! We are job secure...for now anyways! Thanks for all the prayers...looks like they worked!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fall TV
I know everyone is just so pumped that summer is over and fall TV is back (and everything is pumpkin flavored)!!! I may be in some trouble if people judged me on the shows that I watch. Here is our fall line up in the Harvey household.
Jon & Kate Plus 8
Rachel Zoe Project
Sons of Anarchy
The Hills
Flipping Out
Guliana & Bill
Grey's Anatomy
Real Housewives of Atlanta (do not watch this...I PROMISE it is not worth your time)
Aidan's Movie Night (he get's to pick) We watch a lot of the same movies over and over and over. He loves it though, so who cares.
Movie Night for US!
Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami
Big Love
Curb Your Enthusiasm
(All Things HBO)
I am sure you are laughing hysterically right now. Such trash TV right? Did I mention this summer we watched Kendra? By the way, if you don't watch Guliana and Bill, you should. They are super cute...I shouldn't tell you this BUT even Adam likes them!
Jon & Kate Plus 8
Rachel Zoe Project
Sons of Anarchy
The Hills
Flipping Out
Guliana & Bill
Grey's Anatomy
Real Housewives of Atlanta (do not watch this...I PROMISE it is not worth your time)
Aidan's Movie Night (he get's to pick) We watch a lot of the same movies over and over and over. He loves it though, so who cares.
Movie Night for US!
Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami
Big Love
Curb Your Enthusiasm
(All Things HBO)
I am sure you are laughing hysterically right now. Such trash TV right? Did I mention this summer we watched Kendra? By the way, if you don't watch Guliana and Bill, you should. They are super cute...I shouldn't tell you this BUT even Adam likes them!
World's Laziest Blogger
It seems like I am really behind on my blogging. Most likely from all of my training I was doing leading up to last weekend's triathalon. My training schedule went a little like this
Monday: Run
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: Run, Bike
Thursday: Swim
Friday: Break
Saturday:Run, Bike
Sunday: Swim
I have to say, I am glad it's over...for now. We resume training for next year in February. I am looking forward to getting to ease up a little bit on working out and enjoy the holiday season. I have a few 5ks I want to do coming up, hopefully I won't have to do too much running to prepare!!!
I do want to give a shout out to my mom...who won 3rd place in her age group!! She kicked butt and I am so proud of her!! She finished in 59 minutes and I was just a couple minutes behind her finishing in 1hr and 13 minutes. Thankfully, there are not too many pictures of me from the actual day, but I have a group shot and a few of my mom accepting her trophy.
This is my mom and one of our mentors Leslie.

A group shot of all the Tri It For Life girls.
This is a great picture. Betty on the right is 64. She is an amazing athlete. She could probably have kicked my butt. Instead, she volunteered to be our "ringer" on Sunday. She intentionally came in last place, so that no one else in our group would. Isn't that awesome? Love you Betty!
Monday: Run
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: Run, Bike
Thursday: Swim
Friday: Break
Saturday:Run, Bike
Sunday: Swim
I have to say, I am glad it's over...for now. We resume training for next year in February. I am looking forward to getting to ease up a little bit on working out and enjoy the holiday season. I have a few 5ks I want to do coming up, hopefully I won't have to do too much running to prepare!!!
I do want to give a shout out to my mom...who won 3rd place in her age group!! She kicked butt and I am so proud of her!! She finished in 59 minutes and I was just a couple minutes behind her finishing in 1hr and 13 minutes. Thankfully, there are not too many pictures of me from the actual day, but I have a group shot and a few of my mom accepting her trophy.

If you look at this picture, on the far left in the pink swim cap is my mom, to her right is her friend Patty Beyer (swim cap in hand) and I am in between them. Don't look to hard, all you can see is my ponytail and I am okay with that!!!

This is my mom on when she won 3rd place in her age group. She promised the woman in first place next year she would be in her spot! We'll see!!!
She is too cute!!!
This is Alyse Kelly Jones, she is the founder of Tri It For Life (our training group). She is amazing and a huge inspiration. She is an OBGYN here in Charlotte.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wish Me Luck!
I am participating in my very first Triathalon tomorrow! I am soooo nervous!! Wish me some luck! Hopefully, I will get some pictures to post! Thanks!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
We are home from my best friend's wedding. Well really we got home at 2:30 am Sunday morning but I am just now getting around to writing this post. I was waiting for some people to post photos on Facebook since I was too busy to take a single picture. The weekend was perfect and Candace was the most magnificent bride. I get chills thinking about her in her dress. So here are a few pics for you all...
The Bride & Groom at the Rehearsal-The Sanctuary, Kiawah Island, SC
The Rehearsal Dinner at Hege's-Freshfield's
Candace GOODMAN...Isn't she amazing?? The view too!!
Candace getting her hair and make up done for wedding. (My pics are always out of order)

L to R
Melissa-Maid of Honor-Candace's Sister
Erica Smith
Amy Grooms
Christine Whelchel-Groom's Sister
A huge Thank You to Can and Clay for letting me be a part of their big day!!! I feel so blessed to be called your friend. Now, I just have to make it a week without talking to Candace while she is on her honeymoon!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My so called life
I have so much going on right now I don't know which end is up. I have taken on this new job and have really fallen in love with the woman that owns it and I am busting by butt for her. My best friend is getting married on Saturday (you know, I know) and I have one million things I am doing for her. Which I don't mind at all, but it's amongst all the other things going on right now. I feel like I should just be focusing on Candace. Here's a little glimpse in to my life right now.
Tuesday-Woke up 8:30, packed Aidan's lunch, took him to school. Came home, did 4 loads of laundry. Showered was at work by noon. Worked until 4. Held sales meeting with employees that run in to my hair appointment that was supposed to be at 4:30. Got out of hair at 6:30. Forgot to pick up Adam's cupcake cake at the bakery so the woman left it for me at the nail shop next door to pick up. Came home picked up the boys ran to get some dinner. Picnic on the living room floor. Time now almost 10pm!!!! Give Aidan a super quick bath, Adam leaves to go help a friend move. I climb in to bed with lap top to do my blog for today and remember I was supposed to measure the drapes in my room to send to my DEAR MIL so she could start on Aidan's. Out of bed again. Aidan out of bed too. Measure drapes. Now almost midnight. Aidan and I get in our bed. He passes out. Adam comes home. We talk about our days. 3am rolls around and we are out.
Today-Wake up 8:00. Shower and get ready for work at 10am. Open the store. Call all of our participants for tomorrow's fashion show. Wash all the floors in boutique and clean the bathroom. Take all the clearance merchandise and pack it up to sell at show. Owner is in jury duty supposed to be done at 2 never shows. NO ONE comes in to the store all day. Work on schedule for the store. Printer breaks can't print schedule. Stressing because there is so much to do for tomorrow's show and new girl we hired is NUTS and stressing me out (like I can feel like break outs and heart palpitations coming on) and she's not even working. Five o'clock rolls around. Nothing has been done for fashion show. Run home to get paper plates, napkins and table signage for Can's nail party at the local Nail Bar. 6pm. Nail appointment with girls. Manicure and pedicure needed badly!!! Store owner calls. Jury duty ran way over! Nails done at 7:30. Take Candace to her car 10 minutes away. Order the boys a pizza and have it sent to the house. Ride uptown to Candace's sister to eat dinner and get brows waxed. Realize I hate twitter and at private conversation I thought I was having with someone earlier in the day has now been seen by the entire Tweeting world. 8:30. Head back to store to pick up petty cash and stickers. Drive to Target. Get all the way to check out and can't find my debit card. Spend 20 minutes digging through purse for it in front of a line of people. Find it in my back pocket. Purchase 100 bottles of water. 10pm. Get home. Best husband ever brings bottled waters in. Remove all the labels from water bottles and put our Peek a Boo Couture stickers on each one. Decide I am going to start working on the 100 seashell lollipops I have to make for Candace's candy bar on Saturday. Realize I don't have enough chocolate and the molds have no place for sticks! AHHH!! Call Candace laughing hysterically. Nothing ever goes my way. Hubby comes and takes over, I cry, he pours me a glass of wine. 11:30. Realize once again have forgotten to send my MIL measurements for Aidan's custom bedding she is doing. Finish off wine and decide I will blog to relieve stress!!! Racking my brain over what I will wear to meet Kate Gosselin tomorrow. I need to be semi cute! Wishing I had 3o minutes to watch Guliana & Bill.
Tomorrow-Getting up at 8am. Shower and get ready for the day. Packing Aidan's lunch. Taking Aidan to school. Stop by Candace's pick up coffee beans and drop off candy jars. At the store by 10 to open. Stuff 100 gift bags for fashion show. Head to show by 11. Check in all girls by 11:30. Place 100 gift bags on chairs in audience. Show starts 12:30. Show hopefully over by 1:30. Headed home. Must take Adam's pants to cleaners to be done by 7pm. Grocery shop for my brother that is so graciously staying with Aidan this weekend while we are at the wedding. Run to the mall to find two summer dresses on clearance for bridesmaids luncheon and rehearsal dinner. Come home. Write out everything Bobby has to do for Aidan. Pack for the weekend. Make sure Adam is packed. Finish lollipops. Go out and buy rectangular vase to put coffee beans and lollipops in. PRAY I will be in bed by midnight because we have to be up Friday to head to the beach for a bridesmaids luncheon at 12:30. Don't even get me started on the schedule for this weekend.
Please excuse me if none of this makes any sense!! Thanks for stopping by! Happy....What day is it again???
Tuesday-Woke up 8:30, packed Aidan's lunch, took him to school. Came home, did 4 loads of laundry. Showered was at work by noon. Worked until 4. Held sales meeting with employees that run in to my hair appointment that was supposed to be at 4:30. Got out of hair at 6:30. Forgot to pick up Adam's cupcake cake at the bakery so the woman left it for me at the nail shop next door to pick up. Came home picked up the boys ran to get some dinner. Picnic on the living room floor. Time now almost 10pm!!!! Give Aidan a super quick bath, Adam leaves to go help a friend move. I climb in to bed with lap top to do my blog for today and remember I was supposed to measure the drapes in my room to send to my DEAR MIL so she could start on Aidan's. Out of bed again. Aidan out of bed too. Measure drapes. Now almost midnight. Aidan and I get in our bed. He passes out. Adam comes home. We talk about our days. 3am rolls around and we are out.
Today-Wake up 8:00. Shower and get ready for work at 10am. Open the store. Call all of our participants for tomorrow's fashion show. Wash all the floors in boutique and clean the bathroom. Take all the clearance merchandise and pack it up to sell at show. Owner is in jury duty supposed to be done at 2 never shows. NO ONE comes in to the store all day. Work on schedule for the store. Printer breaks can't print schedule. Stressing because there is so much to do for tomorrow's show and new girl we hired is NUTS and stressing me out (like I can feel like break outs and heart palpitations coming on) and she's not even working. Five o'clock rolls around. Nothing has been done for fashion show. Run home to get paper plates, napkins and table signage for Can's nail party at the local Nail Bar. 6pm. Nail appointment with girls. Manicure and pedicure needed badly!!! Store owner calls. Jury duty ran way over! Nails done at 7:30. Take Candace to her car 10 minutes away. Order the boys a pizza and have it sent to the house. Ride uptown to Candace's sister to eat dinner and get brows waxed. Realize I hate twitter and at private conversation I thought I was having with someone earlier in the day has now been seen by the entire Tweeting world. 8:30. Head back to store to pick up petty cash and stickers. Drive to Target. Get all the way to check out and can't find my debit card. Spend 20 minutes digging through purse for it in front of a line of people. Find it in my back pocket. Purchase 100 bottles of water. 10pm. Get home. Best husband ever brings bottled waters in. Remove all the labels from water bottles and put our Peek a Boo Couture stickers on each one. Decide I am going to start working on the 100 seashell lollipops I have to make for Candace's candy bar on Saturday. Realize I don't have enough chocolate and the molds have no place for sticks! AHHH!! Call Candace laughing hysterically. Nothing ever goes my way. Hubby comes and takes over, I cry, he pours me a glass of wine. 11:30. Realize once again have forgotten to send my MIL measurements for Aidan's custom bedding she is doing. Finish off wine and decide I will blog to relieve stress!!! Racking my brain over what I will wear to meet Kate Gosselin tomorrow. I need to be semi cute! Wishing I had 3o minutes to watch Guliana & Bill.
Tomorrow-Getting up at 8am. Shower and get ready for the day. Packing Aidan's lunch. Taking Aidan to school. Stop by Candace's pick up coffee beans and drop off candy jars. At the store by 10 to open. Stuff 100 gift bags for fashion show. Head to show by 11. Check in all girls by 11:30. Place 100 gift bags on chairs in audience. Show starts 12:30. Show hopefully over by 1:30. Headed home. Must take Adam's pants to cleaners to be done by 7pm. Grocery shop for my brother that is so graciously staying with Aidan this weekend while we are at the wedding. Run to the mall to find two summer dresses on clearance for bridesmaids luncheon and rehearsal dinner. Come home. Write out everything Bobby has to do for Aidan. Pack for the weekend. Make sure Adam is packed. Finish lollipops. Go out and buy rectangular vase to put coffee beans and lollipops in. PRAY I will be in bed by midnight because we have to be up Friday to head to the beach for a bridesmaids luncheon at 12:30. Don't even get me started on the schedule for this weekend.
Please excuse me if none of this makes any sense!! Thanks for stopping by! Happy....What day is it again???

Marianne over at Family American Style is hosting WWYCSW again this week and I am excited to be able to have it together enough this week to participate. Aidan is now on his third week of pre school and it really hasn't gone very well. He basically cries the entire time he is there. Lucky enough for us, he teachers are in love with him, so they hold him and love on him the entire time. He has taken a liking to one of the directors so she comes and gets him and takes him to her office. We are so blessed have such a great staff at our preschool. When I dropped him off this morning, he was shaking he was so upset. For all you mommas out there, you know where I am coming from when I say leaving your child crying as you walk away is one of the hardest things to do. EVER. Although I know that it is in Aidan's best interest to be socialized with other kids and that eventually he will get used to going and hopefully love it, it breaks my heart every time I have to drop him off. Well when I come to pick him up, he does the funniest little thing. As soon as he sees me come through the door, he RUNS, picks up his back pack, lunch box and blankie and again RUNS to each of his teachers and screams BUH BYE and jets over to me and grabs my legs. You would think we had sent him to labor camps as excited as he is to get out of there. I wish I could video it and post it here on my blog.
Okay so that was story one. I have another for you all this week. I know, I know who would've thunk it! I am sure most of you have seen the show on Noggin, "The Wonder Pets" but in case you haven't. The Wonder Pets are a trio (a duck, a turtle and a guinea pig) and they save other animals in trouble. Well we are huge fans of the wonder pets around here. When Adam and I are doing yard work or a project together, you can sometimes catching us singing the Teamwork song. Well poor Aidan stresses himself out so bad when he watches this show. He is SOOOO afraid the animal in distress is never going to get saved. The entire time the show is on he says..."Mama Oh NOOOO!!!"...."Dada Oh NOOOO", while pointing at the TV. I swear when he starts the show, he looks completely put together and by the end he is breathing heavy and broken in to a cold sweat. It is too funny but so sweet that he cares so much!!!
Thanks for stopping by and if you don't already participate in WWYCSW, you should. It's so much fun to hear what everyone kids are saying/getting in to these days!!!! Hope everyone has a great rest of the their week!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Big Boy Room Sneak Peek
I am working with my mother in law on Aidan's big boy room. She will be here for Turkey Day and we hope to have it painted and done while she is here. No pressure Kathy!!! Luckily, she knows how to sew. I don't want to give to much away...but I wanted to share with you all some of the fabrics we are using. I wish I could post my idea board (ahhh the things I learned in interior design school) but it just isn't going to fit on the scanner and I don't want to post a picture and give too much away!!! If anyone has ANY ideas for me...let me know!!!
We are using the turquoise fabric for his duvet cover and window treatments and the chocolate minky fabric for throw pillows. I can't wait to do the REVEAL!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009
Betty Bridesmaid has been busy!!
My best friend Candace is getting married this Saturday WOOP WOOP! Can't believe it is already here. I have been slaving away on the jars for her candy bar for the past two days and I am thrilled with the way they came out. She is getting married in South Carolina on Kiawah Island. It is a beautiful beach town. She is using fall colors but incorporating sea shells and starfish! It will be an amazing wedding. Here of some pictures of the finished jars (please excuse the light switches without a switch plate on them in the background...work in progress there). All of these jars have lids for them, they are just at Can's house and not with me to be in the pics! They will all be filled with various candy's for people to scoop in to bags and take home with them. Tomorrow I will start the process of making 100 home made white chocolate seashell lollipops.

Wednesday all the bridesmaids are meeting at Polished nail bar here in Charlotte to get our Mani's and Pedi's done before we head to the beach. In lieu of everyone getting food poisoning from my cooking, I was asked to make the sign for the food table. Perfect for me. It says "Manicures, Pedicures, Bridesmaids Galore, These are the things we simply Adore."
It won't be laying on a butcher block island, I actually have a really cute silver easel.

It won't be laying on a butcher block island, I actually have a really cute silver easel.

I have to brag about my husband today. He deserves it. Today I went to work and when I finally made it home at 9pm, our house has been cleaned from floor to ceiling. It was AMAZING! I don't know if I clean this well, and I am a CLEAN FREAK. He washed the hardwoods and bathroom floor on his hands and knees (and it shows). He scrubbed all the grout in the bathroom and it is sparkling white. The stainless steel appliance look as good as they did the day we bought them. Our Corian looks like it has been freshly polished and the icing on the cake...ALL THE LAUNDRY WAS DONE! Ughhh...heaven. I hate doing laundry more than anything in the world. When I asked him why he cleaned the house he replied "because I knew it would make you smile baby". Thank you God for this man. He's perfect. He cleans just because he loves me. P.S. He's so handsome too.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A List
My sweet blog friend, Kate at Barefoot Daydreams inspired me to write this blog "because sometimes all you have in you is a list"...
1. Ok seriously can people keep the politics off their status updates on Facebook? I just want to get online and stalk people I never talk to in real life.
2. Is there a disorder for people that ALWAYS forget to return phone calls? If so, I have it. BAD! Karen Bodel...I know I am 2 weeks late planning our play date.
3. My best friend Mariann and her boyfriend (ahem hopefully soon to be FIANCE) (no pressure Mike) just bought their first house in Massachusetts. It's 736 sq ft and precious. I am talking buttercup yellow with the perfect color blue shutters. I am envious. Can't wait to see it in October!!!
4. I am loving my job. I get to meet Kate Gosselin next week. Although, I am currently annoyed with her because she was supposed to sign books in the store and she backed out today. Nice. Confession-I will still watch her show.
5. Without fail, every time Adam has Aidan for the second half of the day, he naps in between the hours of 5 and 7 pm. Which means he is still up at 11pm. I try to get mad, but when Adam says things to me like "The kids still up, so I am going to set up the tent in the living room and we're going to camp" or "April, it's crazy to me how much I love Aidan, I am glad he's still up so I can cuddle with him." Greatest Dad ever. End of story.
6. I was so proud of myself that I motivated someone to get out and bike 12 miles with me last night. I am talking drug out of bed to bike half uphill in the muggy Carolina evening. She thanked me for it when we were done!
7. Being a recessionista isn't as exciting as it was when I decided I was going to become one. Trading in my Banana Republic wardrobe for Target tops just isn't doing it for me. Sooo, BR OUTLET you'll be seeing me soon. Also, the trash bags without the ties already attached should be taken off shelves. They may be $2 cheaper but they are not worth the money when you have to pick up trash on your driveway because the knot you made, failed.
8. Football season is here. Woop Woop. It's great isn't it? We are lucky enough to have 6 seats at the Panther's games. This weekend we are pulling dates out of a hat to see who gets which games this year. We are thinking about braving it and taking Aidan to a game. I mean after all someone besides the family needs to see all his adorable Panther gear!!!!
9. Adam has informed me that Lucky Charms no longer come in the big box. Is this true people???
10. I saw an advertisement for plastic surgery that can help with migraines the other day. I was hoping it was breast implants or liposuction. No such luck.
1. Ok seriously can people keep the politics off their status updates on Facebook? I just want to get online and stalk people I never talk to in real life.
2. Is there a disorder for people that ALWAYS forget to return phone calls? If so, I have it. BAD! Karen Bodel...I know I am 2 weeks late planning our play date.
3. My best friend Mariann and her boyfriend (ahem hopefully soon to be FIANCE) (no pressure Mike) just bought their first house in Massachusetts. It's 736 sq ft and precious. I am talking buttercup yellow with the perfect color blue shutters. I am envious. Can't wait to see it in October!!!
4. I am loving my job. I get to meet Kate Gosselin next week. Although, I am currently annoyed with her because she was supposed to sign books in the store and she backed out today. Nice. Confession-I will still watch her show.
5. Without fail, every time Adam has Aidan for the second half of the day, he naps in between the hours of 5 and 7 pm. Which means he is still up at 11pm. I try to get mad, but when Adam says things to me like "The kids still up, so I am going to set up the tent in the living room and we're going to camp" or "April, it's crazy to me how much I love Aidan, I am glad he's still up so I can cuddle with him." Greatest Dad ever. End of story.
6. I was so proud of myself that I motivated someone to get out and bike 12 miles with me last night. I am talking drug out of bed to bike half uphill in the muggy Carolina evening. She thanked me for it when we were done!
7. Being a recessionista isn't as exciting as it was when I decided I was going to become one. Trading in my Banana Republic wardrobe for Target tops just isn't doing it for me. Sooo, BR OUTLET you'll be seeing me soon. Also, the trash bags without the ties already attached should be taken off shelves. They may be $2 cheaper but they are not worth the money when you have to pick up trash on your driveway because the knot you made, failed.
8. Football season is here. Woop Woop. It's great isn't it? We are lucky enough to have 6 seats at the Panther's games. This weekend we are pulling dates out of a hat to see who gets which games this year. We are thinking about braving it and taking Aidan to a game. I mean after all someone besides the family needs to see all his adorable Panther gear!!!!
9. Adam has informed me that Lucky Charms no longer come in the big box. Is this true people???
10. I saw an advertisement for plastic surgery that can help with migraines the other day. I was hoping it was breast implants or liposuction. No such luck.
Friday, September 4, 2009
What's Up Around Here
I haven't posted in a couple of days because I haven't really had much to talk about. We have been quite busy the past week.
Of course as you all know, Aidan started pre school and today he finished his 3rd day. He is still crying most of the time he is there but his teachers are so nice and are convinced within the next week or two he will be doing just fine! Let's hope.
I don't know if I had mentioned that I got a part time job. We needed something to help pay a few bills and I was starting to get bored at home with Aidan being gone. So, I am working at a children's boutique right in the neighborhood and I really love it. The owner is a sweet southern girl and we get along great! Surprisingly, my paychecks have been making it out of the store even though she has the cutest clothes for kids.
Training for my triathlon continues. Monday night I took a yoga class and it was really fun. I was surprised at how hot the room was and I sweat out probably 5 lbs while I was there. Am I definitely a beginner in the yoga department but luckily my mom was there to giggle with me when I did things totally wrong. Tuesday night we swam FOREVER and Wednesday night we rode 9 miles on our bikes. This morning we swam a mile in the pool. I really do love all the exercise but it is very time consuming. We will be doing our mock tri in two weeks so I will let you know how it goes.
My best friend's wedding is couple up in a few weeks so I have been trying to help her as much as possible to get last minutes things done. I can't wait to post pictures of her big day once it happens!!!
Adam is still looking for a job. He has taken some interviews and had some offers, he just needs to decide what he wants to do. Soon. We are really starting to hurt from the lack of income. The landscaping business only brings in money once a month so I am having to stretch that out to pay the bills. I know, I know. Story of everyone's life right now!
Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend as much as we are!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Of course as you all know, Aidan started pre school and today he finished his 3rd day. He is still crying most of the time he is there but his teachers are so nice and are convinced within the next week or two he will be doing just fine! Let's hope.
I don't know if I had mentioned that I got a part time job. We needed something to help pay a few bills and I was starting to get bored at home with Aidan being gone. So, I am working at a children's boutique right in the neighborhood and I really love it. The owner is a sweet southern girl and we get along great! Surprisingly, my paychecks have been making it out of the store even though she has the cutest clothes for kids.
Training for my triathlon continues. Monday night I took a yoga class and it was really fun. I was surprised at how hot the room was and I sweat out probably 5 lbs while I was there. Am I definitely a beginner in the yoga department but luckily my mom was there to giggle with me when I did things totally wrong. Tuesday night we swam FOREVER and Wednesday night we rode 9 miles on our bikes. This morning we swam a mile in the pool. I really do love all the exercise but it is very time consuming. We will be doing our mock tri in two weeks so I will let you know how it goes.
My best friend's wedding is couple up in a few weeks so I have been trying to help her as much as possible to get last minutes things done. I can't wait to post pictures of her big day once it happens!!!
Adam is still looking for a job. He has taken some interviews and had some offers, he just needs to decide what he wants to do. Soon. We are really starting to hurt from the lack of income. The landscaping business only brings in money once a month so I am having to stretch that out to pay the bills. I know, I know. Story of everyone's life right now!
Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend as much as we are!!! Thanks for stopping by!
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