We have just returned from visiting Adam's parents in Jacksonville, Florida. We left on Friday and returned on Sunday evening. It was a short trip but we had a great time! We were even able to go to the beach on Saturday because the temperature reached 85 degrees!!!
Aidan is really dying to do some serious crawling. For some reason, he always gets one of his legs caught under him. When he manages it to get it out, he just crawls backwards...or should I say, pushes himself backwards with his hands. I think it will be just a few more weeks before he has mastered it and then we won't be able to stop him.
Work on our new kitchen continues. I never knew a remodel would take such time. I am currently without a sink and washing dishes in my bath tub. A small price to pay for the beautiful finished product that is close by (I HOPE).
I am attaching a few new pictures of the little guy. He now realizes when he is having his picture taken and has what we like to call a "cheese" face. Like when you say "say cheese" when you are taking a picture. It is quite comical and absolutely adorable!
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