Thursday, November 1, 2012

33 & 34 Weeks

33 & 34 Weeks
We're combining them because I didn't do one last week. I know you were so upset.
If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this photo. Sorry. I'm not a huge fan of taking my picture so there are soooo few.  Literally the only ones posted here.  Adam and I took Aidan to dinner and a movie last Saturday night and this was right before we walked out the door.
Weight Gain: I don't want to talk about it anymore. Haha. No stretch marks yet! But these boobs are just unruly.  I tried to talk them about calming it down but it's not happening.  They can't still be growing can they?

Baby's size: Pineapple.  19 to 22 inches and 4.9 lbs.  

Sleep: I toss and turn all night and that's painful.  Aidan has started coming in our bed the past few nights around 2am and I have no space.  But I'm not going to ever kick him out so I need to suck it up.

Maternity Clothes: Living in them.

Food cravings: I just want to eat all the time.  Don't worry I'm not.

Food aversions: Nothing in particular but when I'm done eating, the food must go.

Symptoms: This entire pregnancy I've felt like I can't breathe. That's only getting worse.  Mild swelling if I walk for a long time in my ankles. 

Doctor’s Appointment: I had an appointment two Friday's ago.  I had to bring Aidan with me. He tried to talk over the Dr the entire time and then decided to tell him that once I told him Jimmy Johnson was my boyfriend.  Embarrassing.  I wasn't crazy about that Dr in the first place but Aidan made it a special kind of awkward in there. Hope he's not on call when I go in to labor.  He also made me a little nervous when he said he couldn't tell if Kellan was head down or not. 

Gender: BOY. Sweet Kellan Adam.

Movement:  He's pretty active.  He gets the hiccups often and I can tell it makes him uncomfortable.  
Belly Button: I don't know if it will ever be the same. It's not an outie yet but it's almost there and it hurts so bad.  It's very convenient to keep clean. Ha!

Favorite Moment This Week: Taking Aidan to do the sibling tour at the hospital. I love it when he gets to do something that includes him in all of this. I also met two girls in the neighborhood pregnant and due in December. I'm hoping we can become friends.
Halloween was so much fun! Post coming tomorrow. 

What I’m looking forward to: My baby shower is this weekend.  I haven't seen some of my girlfriends in so long and I'm looking forward to seeing them and catching up on their babies/lives.
Also, I've been slowly but surely working on the nursery. It feels like it will never be done.  Design paralysis at it's finest.

What I miss:  I want to be able to hold Aidan and hug Adam without this big belly in the way. I would love some sushi. 
 Holy moly it's NOVEMBER!!!!!

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