Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween 2012

These pictures are all totally out of order but this was our Halloween.
Fall Festival at school. Aidan and his friend Dylan were a Storm Trooper and Darth Vader.
Carving his pumpkin.  He had me carve a storm trooper in his. Hardest pumpkin I've ever carved.
His Miss America wave during the costume parade.
Decorating pumpkins at Fall Festival.
Heading out to trick or treat.  We are not ready for the pillowcase just yet.

He sees me!  I don't know why it always amazes me he is so excited to see me but he always is! It's the best feeling.  I know eventually he will get too cool for me!
This is hilarious. I thought it would be funny to carve the silhouette of my belly and carve the baby inside of it. BUT when I laid the pumpkin on my legs to carve it, it ended up being all kinds of lopsided and when I stood it up, no one could tell what it was.  Good thing it was totally rotted the day after Halloween so we could throw it away.  I swear his legs looked so much better than that right side up!
Carving pumpkins and watching Halloween movies.
I did not want to miss out on seeing Aidan Trick or Treat so we put a bowl of candy on the front stoop this year and of course there was not a stitch left when we got home.  I really wasn't worried about it though because seeing your child experience Halloween is like being a kid again yourself.  We made one giant loop around the block and every time he and Adam walked up to a front door he was so excited to get another piece of candy and tell someone else what he was even though he had done it 15 houses before that.  I think I was most proud of how at each and every house he said "Thank You". 
We always end the night going to my parents so he can Trick or Treat there and tell them all about his night.  My Mom buys an entire bag of candy for him, steals a few pieces for my Dad and then dumps the whole thing in his bucket.  He thinks my Mom and Dad are the world's greatest!   I think it's become a tradition! 

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