Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sibling Tour

This past Saturday we took Aidan to the hospital to participate in the sibling tour.  There was a group of about 10 kids and Aidan was middle of the road for age.  There are kids out there getting a sibling older than Aidan for the first time. Can you believe it? Ha.

We got checked in, all the kids got name tags. Then they got hats to wear and so did the bear he brought with him.  We have already been practicing changing diapers so when that came up, Aidan was a pro!

He got to see the room he was born in, and the room where we went after I gave birth for the remainder of our stay. It was pretty cool for him and I think it will be fun for him to know the deal when he comes to visit us in the hospital.  He asked lots of good questions and the other parents kept complimenting us on how cute he was and how nice it must be that he is so interested.  I'm afraid if I give him any more information he may try to deliver this baby on his own.  JK.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun and exciting day for Aidan! Love his smile :-) I know he will be a great BIG brother and helper!! Love all the pictures!
