Friday, October 26, 2012

Skin Care during Pregnancy

I think one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is your skin reverting back to those horrific days in middle school where you were broken out all over the place or you got random massive zits in your T-Zone. 

When I was pregnant with Aidan my skin was AWFUL.   So bad that even my Dad made comments about it.  Concerned comments.   I have rosacea and being pregnant does a good job flaring that condition up.  This time taking care of my skin was on the top of my list. 

My skin is typically pretty normal in the warmer months and it gets dry in the winter months.  Which is common.  I knew I at least had that going for me. I'm less likely to break out when my skin is dry.  But anyways, I wanted to be proactive and I didn't want to spend a ton of money. 

This is my skin care regimen...

I've been using Mary Kay Velocity Facial Cleanser since I was in high school and it works great so I've stuck with it.  With my rosacea my skin is kind of sensitive so I try not to change it up too much!

Every other night I wash my face with St. Ives Apricot Scrub.  You have to use it at least a couple nights a week to see any difference.  I leave it in the shower and use it then.  My skin immediately feels softer and it glows.  I've used a ton of expensive scrubs and randomly picked this up for Adam to see how it would work for him and I stole it and love it!


Two nights a week I'm using another Mary Kay product.  Their Time Wise Microdermabrasion Set.
It's like a mini microderm treatment in a tube.  It leaves the same feel as the Apricot Scrub but having that serum for afterwards makes my skin feel amazing.
And every night I use their Eye Cream.
I didn't start using eye cream until I was in my mid 20's but I've used this all along and I really like it. When I apply it, the skin around my eyes feels tight and for the most part I haven't noticed any crazy wrinkles yet.
Two other great products I use every morning and night are Image Skincare Vital C Hydrating Anti Aging Serum,
This has Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid to fight the bacteria and oil that causes breakouts.
I buy mine from an esthetician here in Charlotte but you can use the link on the website to find somewhere near you that sells it.
I moisturize with the Mary Kay Velocity Lightweight Moisturizer.  I love it because it truly is LIGHT and it feels like silk on my skin.  I  hate using any moisturizer that makes your skin feel greasy.
It seems like a lot to do but truthfully it only takes me about 10 minutes from start to finish at night and half of that time before I put make up on (If I put make up on) in the morning and I'm really happy with the way my skin in looking these days.
Questions? Email me!

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