Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Baby Classes

Adam and I are big advocates of taking classes to get ready for the baby.  To be honest, having a baby in a hospital is pretty easy these days.  Our nurses with Aidan were wonderful and I can't ever say enough good things about my Dr's office. I just don't think you can ever know enough.  More than anything, I think it keeps Adam in the loop. As the Mom I'm always reading and researching and I do the majority of the work and try to catch him up but a class gives him another chance to participate in something.  It also makes he and I comfortable that he can have educated and informed conversations with our Dr's and nurses if and when need be.  There really is nothing to loose.  We treat it like a date night.  Dinner and a breastfeeding class?  If that doesn't sound like fun...

So tonight is our breastfeeding class.  Husband's at breastfeeding?  Interesting right.  I think a huge misconception is that breastfeeding is easy.  I've done it once and it's not.  There's so much more that goes in to than just putting a baby on your boob a couple times a day.  When I had Aidan I lasted 3 months but everyday was a challenge.  I know better than to expect that this round will be any different just because I took a class but hopefully I will at least have some knowledge on how to make it less of a disaster.  Which I didn't have last time.  I know breastfeeding isn't for everyone and I'm not even sure it will be for me long term this time around but I'm certainly going to try.  6 months is my goal but we're going to take it a day at a time when the baby comes.

Back to the class.  So husbands are "encouraged" to come.  I spoke with a woman in the waiting room while I was having my glucose test done the other day and she said there were about half of the husbands/partners in attendance. Her husband didn't go with her. I gave Adam the option to go and we agreed that while he obviously can't help with the actual feeding he may be a good voice of reason if he knows the schedule I should be on and all the fun tips and tricks we hopefully will be equipped with.  We all know how crazy those first few days can be and I think he's doing a great job trying to be as supportive as possible.  I really do appreciate it.  I have fully prepared him to see lots of boobies.

We also thought about taking a Refresher Childbirth class but after speaking to the nurse at the hospital we agreed that we were all set.  Taking it the first time when I was pregnant with Aidan was great.  I always recommend it to women when they ask me what I think they should take.

I set up a sibling tour for Aidan at the hospital.  He gets to see the labor and delivery room, the baby nursery and our post partum room. Since he is of age that he definitely knows what's going on, I think it will be awesome for him to visualize where I'm going to be.  Hospitals make him a little bit uncomfortable and I'm hoping this will warm him up to the fact that we're going to be there for a happy reason. 

I'll let you know how that all goes.

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