Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

Every year we make a trip to the Pumpkin Patch at Carrigan Farms in Mooresville, NC.  It's a tradition we started Aidan's first fall and we've gone every year since!  We all look forward to it.  It makes Fall feel real for the Harvey's.  Who doesn't love a hay ride, apple cider and a field full of orange on a cool North Carolina afternoon? We DO!
 Any excuse to spend time with this cutie...
 I am not ashamed to post bad self portraits on this blog because I just want Aidan to know I went to things.
 I have an obsession with pigs.  First thing I would do if we ever moved to the country. Get piglets.

And baby goats. 

The kid is off...

Hayride back from the patch.  Adam has established a new family rule.  Only pick the pumpkin you can carry.  Left to right. Adam's pumpkin, mine and Aidan's.  The baby bump gets in the way of carrying anything much bigger! Plus Aidan said he picked it for the baby so I couldn't leave it!

Bad family self portrait.

Right side of our front stoop.  The left side looks very similar but it has white pumpkins from Fresh Market. 

This is totally unrelated to the pumpkin patch but I had it on my camera sooo...
my fall window boxes.  Love how they turned out.  

Next year we'll be a family of four at the pumpkin patch! Crazy to think about since we've just been the three of us for so long! But I'm excited!
Happy Fall Y'all! 

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