Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MY House is Back...Almost

When we put our house in the market in February we rented a storage unit and packed away everything that made this house feel like mine.  I had actually convinced myself I was no longer emotionally attached to this house.  And it may be that I'm not attached to the house but I am attached to our stuff. I love to see pictures of us as a family, light good smelling candles and litter my house with faux florals (a decorating tip I picked up from my friend the Lady...wink wink).
When the house went off the market in July, I had already started to slowly make trips back and forth to our storage unit and put things back in their place.  I remember my first trip...I picked up the picture we had our friends and family sign at our wedding reception.  Aidan and I sat in the car parked in front of the unit in the pouring rain and we read all the sweet messages from those that love us the most.  I was just so happy to have that little piece of "us" back!  
This week, after the holiday of course, I sent Aidan off to school and Adam off to work and I slaved away unpacking more boxes, dusting and organizing and putting our home back together.  I've made serious headway in the living room.
Here's a looksy.
Adam and I picked these lamps up at a TJMaxx when we were on vacation with my family last summer.  They had to ugliest shades on them but I never buy a lamp for it's shade.  The shades were like $14.99 at Target. Can't beat that! 
This sign is new to us.  It is an antique that my parents have had my entire life. There was no room for it in their new condo so I asked if we could have it.  I think it looks great above our board and batten moulding.  There is actually a really great story that goes with it but that's a post for another time.  I can remember where it was hung in every house we've ever lived in.
After taking these pictures today I realized we needed something that would add a little height between the lamps. I already had this photo of the three of us and although I know it's the picture I use for everything I thought the size was good and when Kellan comes and we have a new family photo taken, this will be the perfect place for it.
This pine drop leaf table is another antique we acquired from my parents move. I love the big knots in it.  I made the twig arrangement when Hobby Lobby was having a sale a month or two ago.  I'm assuming I'll decorate it for holidays.  We'll see.  That photo of Aidan is one of my favorites ever! Thanks Quinn.  
This is the little table right when you walk in our front door.  The lamp is part of a set Adam bought me in Charleston as a housewarming gift before we knew he was moving in.  I've since swapped the shades with these Pottery Barn ones.  It has a bright chrome finial on it that is in desperate need of a change. Good finials are hard to find peeps.

I apologize the light is a little blown out in this picture. My Dad always jokes coming over is like stepping in to his old life because we have so much of their old stuff and I guess I'm going to have to start to agree! This "buffet" between our living room and dining room was in their home in Dilworth before they remodeled their kitchen and had no home for it.  It's a beautiful piece that they picked up in a boutique and I think I paid them $200 for it!
I keep all of our throws for the sofa in those locker baskets.  I went with these baskets bc I will make sure they don't collect junk in them since you can see it!  The little platter I painted with chalk board paint and change the sayings out often. Before today it said "Summa Time". It's only a matter of time before I bust out the pumpkins. There is a link to that wreath tutorial  here. 
Remember for years I talked about wanting the Rojo Cabinet from Crate and Barrel?  Every time I would decide I was ready to commit it was on back order or I would find something else to spend the money on.  Well I finally bought it. We have no storage in this house and we have a lot of stuff.  After this week, it's packed to the max.  All of our good china and glassware is on the top and there are random vases and candles holders (need a candle holder, come on over) on the bottom two shelves. See those two baskets up there? They store all of my table linens.  Napkins, rings, tablecloths. I am going to make little tags to hang off of them so I know where everything is.
I just love the cabinet.  It was so affordable and the perfect pop of color for our house!


I skipped out taking pics of the sofa and our dining room table for now because the table is currently being used to lay out a picture wall (location TBD) and I'm working on some new pillow covers for the Fall.  As soon as I finish up those projects I'll be sure to take a picture of the whole room! 


  1. You are one talented lady!!!! As I have said before - I wish that you lived close to me in Arlington, TX - I want to hire you to decorate my entire house!!!! Such great taste!!!

    Also, CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby boy coming!!! I know your little prince is going to be a great "big brother"!!!!

    Take care April!!

    Holly N. Madugula
    Arlington, TX

  2. Umm yea can you come re-decorate my house?? Everything looks gorge. I simply love how loving your home feels.
