Thursday, March 8, 2012

iPads and Two of My Favorite Boys

My Dad and Aidan are two peas in a pod when it comes to their iPad's. They do everything on them! Excuse the mattresses on the floor and the random massive piece of artwork in this picture. My parents are living in a rental while their FABULOUS condo is being completed and they just put pieces of their collection wherever there was room.  My mom would be mortified anyone saw where they were living right now but I couldn't not show these pictures to my readers.  I love the relationship Aidan has with my Dad. Whenever something exciting happens in his life...the first people he wants to tell are Adam and I (of course) but next on that list is Grandpa. We spend a lot of afternoons fighting because I refuse to let him call Grandpa while he is at work. 
I think it's so funny when Aidan spends the night with them, my mom sleeps in the guest room and they snuggle up in my parents bed.  So sweet! He is a Nana's boy too.  Nana was his first word and in his eyes, no one's pancakes are ever going to be as good as hers! Anyways...the iPad pics:

My Dad is most likely reading The New York Times or browsing Remodelista and Aidan is most likely watching fire trucks or working on his letters and numbers on his.

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