Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shh! It's a Surprise

 In Feburary my Dad had a big birthday and he didn't want us to make a big deal out of it. My brothers were both gone for the weekend and Adam was working. He and my Mom had dinner at Ruth Chris and while they were out, Aidan and I planned a "surprise party". Where the two of us were the surprise! I picked up some balloons, a cake and some cupcakes for the four of us to enjoy when they got home from dinner. We parked the car down the street and hid in their house. My Dad was pleasantly surprised that his two favorite people were hiding behind his ottoman when he arrived home. We sang "Happy Birthday", enjoyed some grocery store cake (his fav) and then Aidan spent the night and they watched 102 Dalmations. It was the perfect way to celebrate.

This video is of Aidan and I watching out the kitchen window for my Mom and Dad to come down the street. Excuse the second where he tries to be silly and lick the side of my head.


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