Friday, March 9, 2012

Painting Pottery

One of the great things about living in Charlotte is there is never a shortage of things to do. I mean honestly you could probably create tons of things to do anywhere when it comes to kids but we are lucky enough to live in a town packed with fun kid friendly things to do.  I had been wanting to take Aidan to paint pottery for some time.  They just moved the pottery studio to our neighborhood so I thought we would clear out an afternoon and head over there.  It was so much fun!  We had the whole place to our selves and we went to town.  I painted a nice platter and Aidan painted a fire truck (what else) and a monster truck.   I think Aidan may have gotten some of my creativity!

Don't laugh at my artwork. This was my finished product.  

Pottery Painted at Dish It Out

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