Me: I love you like Kate loves William.
Adam: And everyday I feel like I married royalty.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Whats on My Heart Fridays
I am linking up with Casey again this week for "What's On Your Heart Friday's" .
One of my best friends Natalie is now just weeks, days, maybe minutes away from the birth of her first child. Now that she has hit her 37 week mark, I am keeping my cell phone attached to my body. I can't wait for word that the princess has made her way in to the world.
I find myself wanting to explain to Natalie how much her life is going to change but it's almost like there aren't enough good words in this world to explain to her how much LOVE she is going to feel when she holds her daughter for the first time. I tear up thinking about the first conversation we will have when she says "You were so right, it's crazy how much I love this child". Your heart just explodes.
Natalie, I cannot wait for you and Pete to experience the coolest gift God could ever give you. Your hearts will grow exponentially when you meet her. If there is a few things I can pass to you as a Mommy myself, it is this...slow down and take it all in. Time flies, I promise you, you will wake up and a year will have passed. Take lots of pictures and always do what you think is right for your child. And lastly, the only thing I can promise you in this adventure is this...It will not always be easy {those middle of the night feedings will seem like they are never going to end} , but Nat, it will always be worth it. The love your child has for you is like winning the lottery every day. I will always be here for anything you need. I love you!
Yeah for baby Scarlett's debut!! I can't wait to meet her!
P.S. Natalie is hopefully going to publish a blog of her own soon so when she does, I will post her link and you can all follow her journey as a new mom!
What I Wore On Wednesday
I have been having so much fun actually wearing real clothes since I started my job. I do occasionally miss my yoga pant uniform. Ok, I really miss it but since I have to look half way put together for my job, I am trying to embrace it. I've had a lot of luck finding cute pieces to add to my wardrobe since I had that slump a few months ago when I couldn't seem to ever find anything to wear. I am still working on adding to my accessories and shoe collection and my summer wardrobe is just in the beginning stages. I thought it would be ridiculous to take some pictures of what I wear to work a few days a week. Because other people do it and I think it's cute and it's an excuse to blog. So without further ado this is what I wore to work yesterday...via cell phone photos.
Side note: The prints behind me on our bathroom at work are hung all out of whack {which drives me nuts} and I realize I look like I have a baby in my belly in this picture but really it's just that the pants are a little big on me so they are all the way up past my belly button.
Pants: Gap, Curvy Pants
Tank: New York & Co., Long Rib Tank
Cardigan: New York & Co., Contrast Ribbed Cardigan
Necklace: Have had it forever! Can't remember.
Sandals: Target, Emeline Braided Flat Sandal
...and all on such a budget!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Fire fighter playing the harmonica
Aidan got a harmonica from my parents for Easter. Just another one of those things to drive Adam and I CRAAAAAZZZZY. I don't know why but we think this is hilarious. It may be the fact that he is decked out in all of his fire fighter might be at about 43 seconds he is so into it he almost looses his balance. I don't know. But he's darn cute.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
He Is Risen!
I hope you all had a great Easter Sunday. Our was lovely. We had planned on attending church on Sunday with my parents but slept right through our alarms. I was really disappointed. My parents had our family friends the Perrine's over for Easter brunch so we joined them and then ate dinner later on at my parent's as well. My dad made lamb but it was a little difficult to get down after this. Everyone else said it was delicious. My in laws spent the day at Adam's aunt's house in Dallas, NC about 45 minutes away but we were able to stop in and see them when they got back to town. Adam's mom is quite the green thumb so she was showing off all her seasonal flowers. They are so pretty.
Aidan of course was spoiled with his three Easter baskets. I am happy to report he could have cared less about all of his candy. He was much more interested in all the little toys he acquired from us and both sets of grandparents. Some of which included his first harmonica and ANOTHER fire truck. I am hoping next year he will be able to understand a little bit more what Easter is really all about and how lucky we are that Jesus died for our sins.
My parent's put out eggs for Aidan to have a little hunt because we missed the neighborhood hunt this year. He thought this was the greatest thing. He couldn't get to each egg fast enough. He was so anxious to collect them all to see what was inside. That and he was dying to continue you saving the world with his new Spiderman mask.
Aidan of course was spoiled with his three Easter baskets. I am happy to report he could have cared less about all of his candy. He was much more interested in all the little toys he acquired from us and both sets of grandparents. Some of which included his first harmonica and ANOTHER fire truck. I am hoping next year he will be able to understand a little bit more what Easter is really all about and how lucky we are that Jesus died for our sins.
My parent's put out eggs for Aidan to have a little hunt because we missed the neighborhood hunt this year. He thought this was the greatest thing. He couldn't get to each egg fast enough. He was so anxious to collect them all to see what was inside. That and he was dying to continue you saving the world with his new Spiderman mask.
Our sitter took him to see the Easter bunny at the mall on Friday. I was super sad when I got the text of this picture because this was the first year Aidan had met the Easter bunny and I didn't get to be there! But I was happy for him. Julie said he loved it.
His Easter goodies at our house.
And a short video of Aidan hunting for eggs! He's so cute I can't stand it sometimes!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Scenes From a Romantic Getaway
Adam and I had a blast in Asheville. We were gone just over 24 hours and it was everything I could have asked for. Instead of boring you with every little perfect detail of the trip and all of our make out sessions (what what) I'll just show you the pictures and give you some snippets. All taken from my cell phone because I was too busy holding my hubby's hand to take pictures with that heavy camera of mine!
Adam was in Dick's on Friday looking for shoe's for himself and saw these. He surprised me with them on Friday afternoon. Hot PINK Sneaks? Yes please. I love them! And seriously they are comfortable. Just what I need for walking around this weekend.
We stayed at a hotel right outside the Biltmore and the hotel was perfect. We rented a movie and drank Diet Pepsi and ate Twix.
The weather was gorgeous and the Biltmore was packed. The Festival of Flowers is going on so everything was in bloom. The gardens were amazing. Adam decided to valet park. It was so worth the extra money, we drove right up and got out at the front door of the house. We didn't have to deal with parking, waiting on the shuttle etc. There is no going back to the shuttle days for me.
It amazes me that people actually lived here. The house is OUT. OF. CONTROL. I never get tired of seeing it.
This is the view from the porch on the back of the house. It's breath taking. The mountains are beautiful.
There was an elderly women that got a little overheated on Saturday and so the fire department/ambulance showed up. I made Adam take a picture next to the fire truck for Aidan. The firemen thought it was hilarious.
We ate lunch at Cedric's Tavern before heading over to the winery for a wine tasting.
I had never done a wine tasting ever. It was so much fun. Here's a tip, skip the Festival of Flowers wine. It's less than phenomenal.
We took a drive up to Antler Hill village on the property and walked over to the farm. They had baby lamb's and I almost tracked someone down to see if I could take one home. They were "baa" ing and it was one of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard. If Aidan "baa" ed I would love it. Haha!
The day was winding down and we honestly debated staying another night. We quickly remembered we had to get back to Charlotte to play the Easter Bunny and hit the road for home.
We are still talking about how nice it was. I love that we could drive a short two hours away and get to do this. I think dating, married, with or without kids, taking time to separate yourself from your everyday is so good for a relationship.
Easter post to follow! xoxox
Friday, April 22, 2011
I am linking up with Casey again this week to chat about what's on my heart this week!
Casey's post really hit home for me this week. Adam and I talked {and still talk}so much before we got married about making sure no matter what happens we were putting each other first. Our marriage is so important to the both of us. We get up every morning with the goal to love one another the best we can. I think we are doing a pretty great job.
Tonight we are headed to Asheville for a night away! I am so excited. We will miss Aidan terribly but his happiness hinges on ours. So we are headed out of town to just spend some time wandering around Asheville, eating some good meals, exploring the Winery at the Biltmore Estate and just enjoying each other.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Phone Photos
These aren't all photos from my phone but I threw the random ones in with them! I downloaded a new App on my phone called Vignette and it's a lot of fun to play with. Evidence below.
Sitting outside on the computer.
Self Explainatory
Soccer Uniform
Adam has been taking nightly bike rides with Aidan. I need to get in on the fun.
Our house is so homey looking isn't it?
Waving to a girl running by. Flirt.
Checking out the creek near our house.
Handsomest boy ever.
It's almost Friday!!! Three day weekend for me!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Spider Man Birthday Party
Raise your hand if you can't believe Aidan is going to 4 in less than 2 months? Makes me cry. Every year I say this but seriously, where the H has the time gone. I can't even pretend he is a baby anymore. We have been tossing around a few birthday party theme ideas. I personally thought a circus theme would be cute. I was going to hire a balloon guy, face painter and rent a cotton candy and snow cone machine. Aidan liked the idea but is all about Spiderman this year. He actually has no idea who that is but he LOVES him. He asked me this week if he could have a Spiderman birfday parteeee and I really couldn't turn him down.
I am thinking I MAY attempt to make his cake myself. We will see...
Cake Ideas
Every year we rent a bounce house. We rent it for 8 hours and it keeps Aidan entertained all day! Luckily I was able to find a Spiderman themed one for this year!
I want to make a home made banner something like this...but much cuter! I will probably do circles and add his name. Banner found here.
So those are some of the idea I am tossing around right now. I think it will be cute. I really want to make as much as I can to save some money and I think personal touches are so much nicer than store bought. We will see how much time I end up having to work on it!
I hope you are all having a great day!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
What He Wore
This last weekend Adam's parents took Aidan to Monkey Joe's for a few hours and then his Mom {got extremely adventurous} and took Aidan to an Easter concert at her church. This is what he wore. I was nervous to be breaking the "no white before Easter rule" but I have been waiting for him to wear these pants for 3 months and it was an Easter event so that trumps the rule. Booyah!
P.S. What did we do before we could make all of our pics look really good on free photo editing software?
P.S. What did we do before we could make all of our pics look really good on free photo editing software?
What he's wearing:
Gap Kids, Classic Oxford Shirt
Children's Place, White Chino {Sold Out}
Gap Kids, Leather Driver Shoe {Sold Out}
When I found out I was pregnant with a baby boy, I was nervous I would be so bored dressing him. I spend a lot of time browsing stores and the Internet for him. Often I buy individual pieces at a time and then throw outfits together. He always turns out looking super handsome.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sneak Peek
The Harvey's have been hard at work in the living room and dining room this weekend. As a matter of fact, Adam and I stayed UP until 6 am Sunday working on this project because we just wanted it done! Needless to say I am a ZOMBIE at work today. This is the reason for such a short blog post. I have lots to show you coming up!!! Maybe I will get crazy and write out some tutorials!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I am linking up again this week with Casey for "What Is On Your Heart" Fridays.
Today, the same thing is on my heart that has been on my heart every Friday and every other day of the week for the past....two years.
My heart is aching to be a mommy again. Like SERIOUSLY aching.
I feel like I write these posts all the time and end it with some motivating words about how this is the month or even just the year we will get pregnant again. Then the time comes and no one talks about it and we go another year as a family of three.
I am so lucky that my hubby is on the same page about kids. We want lots. Having Aidan changed our lives. It grew our hearts more than we ever could have imagined.
Every time we think the time is right, something changes. We loose our insurance, my parents remind us they don't think we are in the right place to have any more children, life happens and we over analyze and talk ourselves out of it.
I am tired of the everyday question "When are you going to have another one." It's painful enough to ask myself over and over in my head. I just don't know the answer to that.
So instead of putting a time frame on it, I just want to say...IT'S ON MY HEART. I'm ready. I'm not going to try to answer the question anymore. I'm letting go and leaving it to God.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Jeremiah 29:11
When you make babies this cute how could you not want more! =)