I have some much to catch you all up on around here. First and fore most, on the baby shower that I hosted for my girlfriend Jill and her baby girl Lilliana. Everything turned out really well. I stayed up late for a few weeks pumping my heart and soul in to the details and it was worth every minute. My co host Julia worked equally as hard to help make the afternoon just perfect for our dear friend. I think Jill and her guests really enjoyed themselves and she was definitely showered with tons of stuff for her new babe. Baby girl's are just so much fun to shop for!!
Food. I am wondering why I am even posting this because most of the food wasn't even out at this point! But you get the idea?
Candy bar on the right, gifts starting to pile up on the left!
Candy Bar. I kept it small this time around. I put little packs of Sweet Tarts in one of the big jars and Reese's in the other because those are Jill's favorite. I got a great deal on Jelly Belly jelly beans for the smaller jar on the left and then I had Carmel's on the right. Chocolate covered almonds in the small jar in the bottom right corner and chocolate covered pretzels on the platter {home made by ME! mini tutorial coming soon}. There was sooo much candy left over afterwards. Good thing Halloween is right around the corner!

The spice drop topiary I made myself as well. I hit a good sale at Hobby Lobby the day I went to buy supplies and it only cost me about $15 to make. The most expensive thing being the Styrofoam topiary! I painted the pot turquoise and used that paper you put in gift baskets in brown for a dirt look. I wrapped the "stem" with pink ribbon and then just hot glued spice drops to the round ball. I did try to use toothpicks so it would be edible but that was way to much work. Besides, spice drops always taste stale. I put Lilliana's monogram on the pot but no one picked up on that. Her initials are LDG. So when I glued them on everyone said it looked like it said dig {because you put the first initial in the middle} . Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Apparently Jill hasn't shared her whole name with everyone. Hahahaha!
We used colorful balloon bouquets to bring some more color to the room.
I made these tissue flowers to hang from the fire place and place on the tables.
A different view of the Candy Bar, Diaper Cake {by me}and presents.
Love all the pink.
Julia made the cupcakes. She was worried the frosting was a disaster but I thought they were cute. I always have a bakery do my cakes/cupcakes so the fact she did them herself was good enough for me.
Her mom was sweet enough to make us lovely floral arrangements.
Jill, Julia and Jill's girlfriends from law school.
Opening gifts.
Being silly trying on a hat for Lilliana. So leeetle.
Jill's aunt Dede showing off a handmade quilt just for Lilliana by one of the grandmother's of one of Jill's law school friends. Did you get all that?
I am so lucky my mom let me throw this shower at her house {and helped me so much getting ready}. My parent's home is just stunning and there is a lot of space to entertain. The bottom floor is basically one big room so it's easy for everyone to interact whether you are in the kitchen, dining room or living area. In this picture we are in the living area and you can see the back wall of the house from here! You almost don't even have to decorate because it is so beautiful. Especially the dining room that I faux painted to look like a textured wallpaper! Haha! Thanks again Mum!
Next up...Natalie's shower in a few months! Can't wait!!!