Wednesday, October 27, 2010

White Chocolate Covered Pretzels

For my girlfriend Jill's baby shower, I wanted to make white chocolate covered mini pretzels to put on the candy bar.   I had never done it before but figured I could do it.  It was even easier than I thought!  There may be an even easier way that you know of but I just made this up as I went. Here's a quick tutorial on what I did. Give it a try, they are delicious and they were quite a crowd pleaser {and cute}.

White Chocolate Candy Melts {One package was enough to make 110 mini pretzels}
Pretzel Rods {I chose to do mini ones because at Costco they were $5 for a huge barrel}
Assortment of Sprinkles {If your a sprinkle girl like me}
Wax Paper

Step 1:  Follow the directions on the back of the candy melts.  You can use your double boiler or the microwave.  I think the double boiler option was the way to go EXCEPT I don't have a double boiler so Adam rigged up a stainless steel mixing bowl in a big pot. It served it's purpose.

Step 2.  Once the chocolate is completely melted, just start dipping pretzels.   You only want to dip them half way. I can't really explain my technique but try to twist them a little to create a little end spot.  It's really easy to get the hang of.

Step 3.  Immediately lay flat on a piece of wax paper.  {I put wax paper over one of my cooling racks}.  

 Step 4. Sprinkles!!!!  I have about 25 random containers of sprinkles at my house from various projects.  You  want to use the teeny tiny sugar sprinkles.  {They sell them in packs with different colors around the holidays in the dollar bins at Target.}  I only did about 10 pretzels and then I would stop and add sprinkles. You don't want them to set before you get them on there.
AND THAT'S IT! I told you it was easy!!! They actually sell bags big enough for the long pretzel rods but I bought shorter ones for these and wrapped them in a fun ribbon and Voila!  Perfect for parties, gifts, snacks etc!  Start to finish this only took me about 45 minutes. 
 That does not include placing them in the plastic and tying ribbon on every single one of them. Haha!

I made exactly 110 and by the time it was baby shower time, my dad, brother, husband and small child had eaten about 30 of them.  I am going to make more for the holidays.  I think I might try chocolate flavored with mint for the Christmas. Doesn't that sound so good? 

Let me know if you make some!

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