Friday, February 5, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I have seen some posts circulating about "Simple Pleasures". I thought it would be fun to join in and do one myself. So here they are, in no particular order:

The way Adam smells. The way he smiles at me.

Hearing Aidan say "I love you Mommy" when I haven't said it to him first.

Watching the boys together. Watching them learn new things together.

The look on my dad's face every time I kiss his cheek.

Laughing with my mom until we cry.


A night on the porch at the beach house.

A day on the beach with my family.

That time at night when Aidan is in bed and Adam and I have the whole house to ourselves and we can dream about our future together.

A clean car.

A pedicure.

The perfect weather at the end of the Spring right before the summer heat.

BBQ's in our backyard with friends.

Corn hole tournaments until 4 am.

Boston. Fenway Park. Red Sox Games.

Singing at the top of my lungs in the car.

Being the BIG sister.

Making my husband happy.

Being lucky enough to see my parents still so in love.


I could go on and on and on...
I guess it really is all about the simple things.

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