Friday, February 5, 2010

More Decorating & Some Pictures of Aidan

I finally have window treatments in my kitchen and I made them myself. I couldn't be happier with them (because I made them myself). My Nana would probably roll over in her grave if she could see me now. Making window valances. Out of Rooster fabric. Gah things have changed. So here they are...

I am not crazy about the "LIVE" sign above here but it was already there so I just left it for the time being.

The other window.
You might notice that I did finally paint my kitchen green too!! I love it!

I wouldn't mind a new lighting fixture.

A close up of the Rooster's. I was surprised with myself that I picked this fabric but I really do like it. FYI, I will not be decorating my entire kitchen in Roosters.

After Aidan came home from school today, he stripped himself down to his diaper and climbed up on to the day bed in his TV room, grabbed a blanket and cuddled up.
He fell asleep minutes after these pictures and had the best snooze.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute...

    And I love your curtains (But, no, please don't decorate with more roosters!!) :)

    I don't check your blog for two days and I'm always so behind! Off to do more commenting...
