Jordan Michael,
Holy Smokes you are 20 years old today!!! This may seem crazy but I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. In our house in Massachusetts we had a table set in between two windows at the front of the house and on that table was our phone and on either side of that table there were two plaid wing back chairs. I remember Nana sitting in the chair to the right of the table the moment we got the phone call and she yelled “It’s a BOY”!!! And then there were three. Bobby and I had a new addition to the pack and we couldn't have been more thrilled! I was so in love with you. Mom and I used to fight over you. You were the cutest kid ever. You had so much spunk and you have made me laugh so much over the past 20 years. You have grown up in to such a great young man and I am proud of you every day. You are a great brother, brother in law and uncle. We love you very, very much and we hope you have had the best birthday you could have asked for. Sorry we weren’t able to make it to see you this year, but rest assured next year when you turn the big 21…we will all be there with bells on!!!! Happy Birthday to my youngest brother, welcome to adulthood!!! Love, Ape

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