Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Saturday & Quinn Goff Photography

Well we spent the day today working in our yard. Since we own a landscaping company, our yard always looks terrible compared to those nice paying customers. I somehow convinced Adam to come home and work here after I helped him on a job in the neighborhood. We have been living in our house for 3 years now and since we have lived here, there has been some ivy growing up the side of the house and we have NEVER trimmed it. At first I thought I liked it but recently I have been dying to see it go. I want a more clean look on and around the house. Well let me tell you that was a PROJECT. We are talking 3 years of ivy now growing in to our brick. It was more than difficult to remove. We got it done and trimmed all the bushes around the house and the yard is looking marvelous. I always forget to take before and after pictures of things. I'll work on that so you all can see what I am talking about.

Last Saturday Aidan and I had the pleasure of finally meeting the lovely Quinn Goff. She was a former colleague of my best friend Amanda and she has just recently started her own photography business. She needed a few people to let her take some pictures to begin building her portfolio. I was more than happy to volunteer my handsome boy to have his picture taken. We met her at a local park and took a walk while she snapped pics of my little man. Quinn was so sweet and great with Aidan! I knew I wouldn't have any trouble being comfortable around her because I basically felt like I already knew her. Well let me just tell you...she was super speedy about getting the pictures back to me and they were absolutely AMAZING! I was honestly blown away at how well they turned out. The photo session was so laid back and Aidan photographed very well. I love having pictures taken of Aidan and these were some of the best. I will most likely blow them all up and use them on a photo wall I have been planning for his new room. Not to mention, all of the grandparents are already requesting their copies. Here are some of the pictures and if you live in the Charlotte area (I am not sure if she will travel just yet) Quinn would be a great choice for your photography needs. Here is the link to her blog...quinn photography. You can contact her there!

I am almost positive this will be on the front of our Christmas card this year!

I had to put this last because it is my FAVORITE! It will be blown up HUGE somewhere in our house!

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