Friday, September 4, 2009

What's Up Around Here

I haven't posted in a couple of days because I haven't really had much to talk about. We have been quite busy the past week.

Of course as you all know, Aidan started pre school and today he finished his 3rd day. He is still crying most of the time he is there but his teachers are so nice and are convinced within the next week or two he will be doing just fine! Let's hope.

I don't know if I had mentioned that I got a part time job. We needed something to help pay a few bills and I was starting to get bored at home with Aidan being gone. So, I am working at a children's boutique right in the neighborhood and I really love it. The owner is a sweet southern girl and we get along great! Surprisingly, my paychecks have been making it out of the store even though she has the cutest clothes for kids.

Training for my triathlon continues. Monday night I took a yoga class and it was really fun. I was surprised at how hot the room was and I sweat out probably 5 lbs while I was there. Am I definitely a beginner in the yoga department but luckily my mom was there to giggle with me when I did things totally wrong. Tuesday night we swam FOREVER and Wednesday night we rode 9 miles on our bikes. This morning we swam a mile in the pool. I really do love all the exercise but it is very time consuming. We will be doing our mock tri in two weeks so I will let you know how it goes.

My best friend's wedding is couple up in a few weeks so I have been trying to help her as much as possible to get last minutes things done. I can't wait to post pictures of her big day once it happens!!!

Adam is still looking for a job. He has taken some interviews and had some offers, he just needs to decide what he wants to do. Soon. We are really starting to hurt from the lack of income. The landscaping business only brings in money once a month so I am having to stretch that out to pay the bills. I know, I know. Story of everyone's life right now!

Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend as much as we are!!! Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were training for a triathalon!! How fun! That sure shows up my half-marathon...

    Hey-- do you mind if I email you? Tyler and I are planning a trip up to Boston in October and I need recommendations from a native! (Or feel free to leave comments with advice.) :)
