Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pre School Pics

Just as promised...

Couldn't you just eat him up?? He was just precious this morning. He was so excited that he didn't even cry when I dropped him off. I cried the whole way home!!! When my mom picked him up today, they said he cried the WHOLE time! I felt sooooooo bad. His teachers are really sweet and they all reassured my mom (who reassured me) that after a couple weeks he will be just fine! He didn't even eat his yummy lunch I made him. Bless his little heart. Thanks for checking in!!! Hope everyone's kiddies had a great first week of school!


  1. I love this picture of him!! The backpack is awesome.

  2. He sure looks excited! :) I say the whole crying thing just means he missed his momma...
