Monday, April 1, 2013

One year ago...

Today marks a year since we found out we were pregnant with our sweet Kellan.  He was EXTREMELY planned.  We decided in February we were going to start trying in the Spring.  March 1 my maternity insurance went in to effect. I had an appointment with my OB on March 12.  I told her I was planning on starting to try to get pregnant in the next few months.  Luckily she gave me the green light and said to call her back in 6 months if I wasn't pregnant.  This was going to be fun!
Needless to say, we got busy.  And just two weeks later...
We hadn't planned on taking a test that day.  My brother Bobby was trying to make extra beer money so he came over to babysit that Sunday so Adam and I could go out to dinner.  Aidan took this picture of us when we were waiting on Bobby to arrive.  We ate at Rooster's in Southpark and we joked the entire meal about walking over to Walgreen's after dinner and buying a pregnancy test.  

 And that's exactly what we did.  For what?  I don't think either of us actually thought I was pregnant. I love how cheesy Adam's face is in the picture.  There is nothing like making your husband take a picture while holding a pregnancy test in the middle of a drug store. 
We tossed the bag of tests in the back seat and I figured I would take one in a week after I had actually even missed a period.   The second Bobby left our house that night, we both looked at each other and started cracking up.  I was taking that test or it was going to haunt us until I did. I was sure in a few minutes we would be staring at a negative sign but then this happened...
The faintest pink line in world showed up right away.  I was jumping up in down in place while Adam looked over my shoulder and we tried our best to keep it down so Aidan wouldn't catch on to what was up.  That kid has the biggest mouth EVER and we knew we would keep it a secret for a bit.  I was two weeks pregnant. I seriously could not believe it.  I was thrilled but kept thinking it had to be to good to be true.  We were pregnant the first month we tried.  Who does that happen to? 
My besties Candace,Amanda and Mariann were my first phone calls that night.  They had all listened to me vent about how badly I wanted a baby, how the time was never right and a menagerie of other baby related things for years. Plus Candace and Amanda were my first phone calls when I found out I was pregnant with Aidan so why not start a tradition.  All three of them asked me if it was an April Fool's Day joke.
Face Time to tell Auntie Amanda. 
 The next morning I took the second test in the box and the line was a bit darker.  I continued to take a test everyday for a week.  I could not believe we were finally adding to our family.  I felt like I had been waiting an eternity to get to be a Mom again.   Easter was the weekend after we found out and we told my family then.   Everyone was as excited as we were. 
Finding out you are pregnant that early makes for what feels likes the world's longest pregnancy.  But I wouldn't change any of it for the world.  Here were are a year later and we have the cutest little guy to show for it.  We are so blessed!

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