also known as Auntie Bamanda,
My Mommy tells me you are probably the person who knows the most about how much she wanted to bring me in to this world. She says you listened to her early morning after early morning talk about wanting another baby and finding a way to make it work. All the hopes, fears and dreams of getting to be a Mom again.
You were probably not surprised when she called you to tell you she was pregnant with me because you knew everyday leading up to that call that my existence was in the works. I know you were probably just as happy to stop hearing about getting pregnant as you were to here that she finally was!
I know you hosted that beautiful baby shower for me before I made my debut and you ran straight to the hospital to meet me when I was born. Here's the picture to prove it:
It was love at first sight. For both of us. Wink.
But yours and Mommy's story started long before ours. You've been friends for a long time. You two have seen each other through good times and bad times, break ups and make ups. You were there for her when my big brother surprised the world with his presence and you stood by her on the day she married my Dad. There have been a lot more regular ole' days between all of the excitement of the past few years but from the sounds of it, you've been along for the whole ride.
It's safe to say, your part of the family. And we like it that way.
So, Mommy and Daddy wanted me to ask you for a big favor.
Will you PLEASE be my Godmother? There's no one we would rather have do it!
Love You,
(and Mommy, Daddy, Aidan and the whole Decot clan that thinks we've picked the best girl for the job!)
Kellan - I can't believe how good you are with words at 3.5 months ;) I just started crying reading this! Yes, Yes, Yes! xoxox