Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hospital Bag

New moms ask me all the time what I packed in my hospital bag when Aidan was born.  So to answer those questions and to create a virtual list for myself....

Last time I packed when I went in to labor.  I'm not typically one of those people that can pack a bag and leave it sitting around for weeks just waiting on me.  This round, I have started a drawer in my room with things as I start to collect them.  It may be that I know a little bit more this round than the last but I will pack my bag ahead of time.

Here's what I'm packing:

For Delivery:
~Extra Hair Ties and Bobby Pins
~Snack for Adam (when Aidan was born I did this and it worked out great bc he was starving and I was ready to push. We opened the box of Goldfish and he had a few and was ready to roll)
~Camera and extra batteries (make sure someone there for the birth knows how to use it).

That's it for the delivery room for me.  I'm not a person that relaxes listening to music but if you are, you could pack an iPod or something similar to listen to. 

For Post Delivery:
~My own pillow
~Boppy for nursing
~Breast Pump (Probably will leave this in the car on an as/if needed basis)
~Three Camisoles.  I buy the Soma Intimates ones.  They aren't "nursing" cami's but they work just as well and they are so super soft.
~Three pairs of sweat pants/pj pants
~Several pairs of BLACK granny panties
~Slippers or Warm Socks
~A few outfits for baby.  Included will be an outfit for his first pic.
~An outfit to ride home in.  Something comfortable. We live literally 4 minutes from the hospital so I will probably throw a cardigan over a cami and some maternity jeans.
~Toiletries. I buy the ones in the $ section at Target.  That way I can toss them at the hospital.
~I didn't do this last time but I may throw my laptop in my bag last minute to have something to do while the baby sleeps and I'm wide awake!

Make sure your hubby packs a bag as well!!

This round I am also having monogrammed cookies made to hand out to our nurses/family. 

And I'm packing it all in one of these:

 Vera Bradley Large Duffel.  I love this bag! When I was in high school they were super popular so I have 5 in different styles/sizes. 
If you click HERE you can get 16 colors for only $51 right now!

1 comment:

  1. I took my super soft Restoration Hardware blanket from home too and it was wonderful to have since the hospital blankets are not the softest. Great idea on the cookies!

    P.S. Thank you for all the sweet comments on my blog. Hope to see you soon. Before your shower!
