Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kitchen Make Over

Adam and I have put sooooo much work in to this little house of ours.  I am so lucky to have a handy husband to work on all these things with me.  For whatever reason, I decided I wanted to paint all of our cabinets WHITE. I really and truly would have done it myself but they were the cabinets that were in my parents house and they are made of SOLID cherry wood and I knew if I did it, they were going to be ruined. 

We hired a guy that my Dad has used on some of his kitchen rehab projects to come in, take the doors and drawers spray them and then come back and spray the boxes.  We also have the old rippled glass taken out and clear glass installed.  Easy peezy. 

We had a natural bead board ceiling that we installed a few years ago that we never did anything with and I was positive it needed to be white! Good decision.  We changed out all of our light fixtures and I made new roman shades for both of the windows.

The only thing we haven't done is the floor and replaced the door that leads in to our laundry room.  I'm not sure if we will do the floors because we are still planning on re listing our house after the baby is born and I bought a jute rug for now.  I would like to buy a door with a solid pane of glass, have the glass frosted and buy a vinyl decal that says "Mudroom". That way light still comes in but you can't see my piles of laundry on top of the washer.  Haha!

So on to the before and afters.  I have been waiting on some sunshine in Charlotte to take these pictures but the weather report says I may be waiting awhile so I took them while it was overcast.

Just so you remember what the kitchen did look like:

and this is what it looks like now:
 Much better...right?
The island does take up a lot of real estate in this room but Aidan eats there and the storage is a huge help.
 It's funny we were all decorated for fall when I took the old pictures too!
This mirror needs to come down some but I hung it myself and didn't account for it being oval and the hooks were not at the top. Whoops!
I had bought this table for the new house we thought we were building and when that didn't happen it was too late to return it so it has found a home here for now.  It probably won't stay.

It was a super inexpensive fix and I love the results.