Monday, October 22, 2012

Adam's 31st

Adam turned 31 on the 3rd of this month.  We did the typical thing and celebrated for the week!  I try to make birthday's a big deal around here.  It's kind of hard when it comes to Adam because he is so good about spoiling everyone else on their big day. But we tried anyways.

Aidan and I picked up balloons and a birthday sign and we hid behind the dining room table and shouted "Puprise" (Aidan's idea) when Adam came home. 
He is always so good about indulging Aidan.  He put the hat on that said "Birthday Boy".
Polka Dot Bake Shop cupcakes.
Friday night we went to my parents for dinner and cake.  My brother's birthday was the following Monday so we combined them. I made a cake from scratch and everyone at it and LIVED!


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