32 Weeks
I skipped week 31 because we were busy, busy, busy last week.
Blog posts to come on that. But on the pregnancy front, not much was different.
Pics are from tonight. I went to the open house at the school we are hoping (cross your fingers for us) Aidan will get accepted to next year for Kindergarten. Adam and Aidan were here working on Scout's new dog house so my Dad went with me. It means so much to us that my parents are as invested in Aidan getting the best education as we are. And I love time alone with my Dad!
Adam gave me the "you look like a Mom" comment/compliment again. Haha!
Weight Gain: Clueless really. Last week it was 13 lbs but I haven't weighed myself this week.
Baby's size: Head of Lettuce; 19 inches; 3.9 lbs.
Sleep: Sleep is good. I used to always fall asleep before Adam but that has changed. It takes me a while to fall asleep but once I do, I'm out!
Maternity Clothes: I'm pretty pleased with all of my maternity clothes. I definitely get dressed in real clothes more this pregnancy and it makes all the difference in the world. I'm laughing as I type that because I was in pj's until 5 PM today.
Food cravings: Bring me anything and I'll eat it.
Food aversions: Nothing in particular but when I'm done eating, the food must go.
Symptoms: I'm not going to lie, last week was a hard week for me. Adam has dubbed it as the week "Ape got over being pregnant". It's not that bad but I'm at the point now where bending over is getting difficult, I cry because I want to hold Aidan and I can't (silly preggo hormones) getting off the sofa and out of bed is a struggle. I've still got 2 months to go so by no means am I throwing in the towel but I'm certainly slowing down and that drives me crazy!
Doctor’s Appointment: Last week I had my 3 hour glucose test. I passed. Woop woop! No diabetes for me.
Gender: BOY. Sweet Kellan Adam.
Movement: Constant. And we love it. After Aidan is in bed at night, Adam and I sit on the sofa and the baby goes nuts while Adam rubs my belly.
Belly Button: Still an innie. But it's so
sore at the top!
Favorite Moment This Week: I found out a girlfriend of mine is pregnant. We have been friends since middle school and she's one of those great friends I don't have to talk to every day or even every 6 months but we can always pick right back up. I'm thrilled to get to share this time in her life! She sent out the cutest pregnancy announcement and I couldn't be more excited for her and her husband!
What I’m looking forward to: Custom baby bedding is supposed to be done this week and my baby shower is coming up!!!!! You won't be able to Google this definition but Custom means slow.
What I miss: Being able to move with any speed. Sleeping on my stomach and sushi. I have been daydreaming about my labor and seriously debating letting Adam leave to go get sushi when I start to push so as soon as the baby is here, it will be there.
Thanks for the love! I'll bring you sushi if you bring me a Blue Moon! XO
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