Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!!

We had a great 4th yesterday. It was so low key.  We thought about doing the pool but settled on laying around on the sofa and vegging out until around dinner time.  We packed a picnic and headed uptown to catch the fireworks at Memorial Stadium. It's been unseasonably hot in Charlotte the past couple of days but it wasn't too bad tonight.  Aidan could not stop talking about seeing fireworks but when they actually started, he was way too occupied with the little girls next to us to pay too much attention. I'm sure he will ask if we can go again tonight.  If only.  Adam is working pretty much all the time in prep for the DNC coming up so it was nice for him to have the day off in the middle of the week. 

We had to sit in the A/C for a few minutes and Aidan entertained himself by squishing Adam's face.

Mr. and Mrs. 

I just think it's hilarious to see him sit in his chair.

Fourth of July tickle attack.

In other news I'm 17 weeks pregnant today! If I am being honest (and I always am) it's really all I can think about.  Baby, baby, baby. We are super excited.  The 4th of July is probably my favorite holiday but this year it was just another one to cross off the list of holidays that come before the baby does! I don't ever remember being this impatient when I was pregnant with Aidan.  We can't wait to meet you baby!!!

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