Monday, July 9, 2012

A Day At Discovery Place

Aidan has been begging to take a trip over to Discovery Place so we finally took him at the end of last week. Adam was able to join us for the first half of our trip but then he had to jet to get to work.  I needed to renew my museum membership so it was the perfect opportunity.  We opted to renew and buy a new membership they are offering for Discovery Place Uptown and the new Discovery Place Kids in Huntersville. You also get membership to The Nature Museum so you can't go wrong! It's worth the money! Plus you save on parking and get discounts to the Imax. This is starting to sound like an infomercial, I apologize!!! =)

Back to our usual we had a great time.  Discovery Place never gets old for Aidan.  He is always discovering something new! It's nuts to remember the days when I was just a few years older than him, seeing it all for the first time.  The rain forest, the aquarium, all the fun stuff to touch and see!! While we were there I thought it would be fun to take Aidan to his first Imax show...currently showing..."To The Artic".  A great 45 minute film exploring the lives of a family of Polar Bears and some of their friends trying to survive in the Artic.  We're a Discovery Place family for sure!

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