Thursday, June 7, 2012

To My Little Man on His 5th Birthday


Your 5!!! Your 5!!! Your 5!!!! I still can't believe it. 

Before you were born, Daddy and I would wonder what you were going to be like.

"I hope he doesn't get your nose."  "I hope he grows up to be polite."

Then you were here. 

And as each birthday has come and gone for the past 4 years we've wondered what the next year would bring. 

We were always looking forward to a new milestone.   You smiled, you crawled, your personality started to show through, we got to watch you learn new things.

Before we knew it, five years had passed. 

You are always changing, teaching us new things and making us fall in love with you over and over and over.

I don't know what the next year will bring for you.

This is what I do know.  The past five years, they've been perfect.  There's nothing I would change about you or that time.  We all grew up a little bit together.

You are a million times better than anything I could have dreamt you would be.  As each year goes by you far surpass my greatest expectations. 

Everything since the day the placed you in my arms has been the biggest bonus in my life. 

I'm so glad you ended up being you.  And while it's bittersweet that the time is flying by, I love every minute of it I get to spend with you. 

Happy 5th Birthday Sweetheart.

Love,  Mom

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