Monday, June 11, 2012

I Need a Day

It's been a crazy week around here! Our little man turned 5!  A huge milestone!!!  We celebrated for an entire week.  He was definitely spoiled and it's going to take a few days to bring him back to reality.

He starts his first week of camp today!  I'm looking forward to some free time to get this house back in order (and a pedi with Amanda), write some Thank You notes, make some to-do lists for the next couple of months and run some errands for my parents.  I know he's going to love being back with some of his buddies for the summer.

Our yard was looking a little neglected (and if you know us, this is not typical) so we were out there for hours yesterday.  Hopefully my garden will start to grow some veggies soon! 

Instead of taking the time to write out his birthday post, I chose to watch some Sunday night HBO and snuggle with Adam.  So I need a day.  But his post is on the way! We had so much fun!!!


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