Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quiet Weekends

My favorite weekends of all are the ones where we have nothing planned and we can just do whatever we want.  They are so few and far between that I get seriously excited when I know there is one coming up.  Friends of ours invited us up to their house near Asheville for the weekend and we jumped at the chance to go and enjoy some of that mountain air.  Their home is beautiful and they are wonderful hosts so we love visiting.

Saturday morning the four of us (we even brought Scout)  hopped in the car and headed up there for the night.  We had a great dinner downtown and walked around and grabbed some ice cream.  Sunday we laid around before getting motivated to do some shopping in the afternoon.  It was just what we needed.

I brought my camera but I didn't remove it from the bag.  The only snapshots I  have are a few of Aidan chasing Scout around and this one of my hubby. I love the sunlight. And his squinty eyes.

Adam is starting a new job today and it looks like our free time together is going to be few and far between.  Looking forward to more weekends together doing nothing.
Happy Tuesday!

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