Monday, January 16, 2012

Golden Globes Red Carpet

I always DVR the Red Carpet footage of awards shows because I love the dresses! 

April's Worst Dressed:

It's the sleeves. And the hair which has nothing to do with the dress but it kills it. 


This kind of reminds me of a jelly fish.

Zooey is my girl crush and this was so disappointing for me.  

I had to do this.

Needs to step it up if she thinks she's marrying JT.

I want to love it but I can't.

Keith Urban never looks happy. It might be the dress.

I honestly usually really like what she wears.

Best Dressed. So Much More FUN!

This dress is perfect.

I really loved the navy.

I knew this was Chanel the second I saw it.  Gorgeous.

This picture doesn't do this dress justice. When she was presenting I was dying over it.

This is probably my FAVORITE look of the night.  Reese is glowing!

Needs to work on her red carpet smile but the dress is AMAZE BALLS.

I typically don't think I would like this but tonight it worked for me.  It may or may not have to do with her acceptance speech.

She is so gorgeous I almost can't stand her.

Next Up the SAG Awards, then the Grammy's and then the 84th Annual ACADEMY AWARDS!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I love your red carpet style posts...

    Tilda Swinson always scares the bajeezus out of us! I can't believe you don't like Jessica Alba's though! Everyone else, I agree with...
