I am so excited to finally have finished our Disney video. It was my first time ever using iMovie on our iPad and I love it but holy smokes was this thing a labor of love. For about 8 minutes of Disney pics and video clips. The music that is with it was not the music I selected but it literally took about two hours to upload to YouTube so it's staying the way it is!
We had such a wonderful trip. We left Charlotte when I got out of work on Friday and Adam was sweet enough to drive the entire way! We got to our resort around 12:30 and were up the next morning at 6:30 to eat breakfast and head to the Magic Kingdom! There were rumors that the park had been reaching capacity with all the holiday traffic and we didn't want to miss the New Year's fireworks so we were in the park by 8:30 and they closed the gates at 10 when they reached capacity. It was a long first day but Aidan was such a trooper and it flew by. We stayed in the park until 2:30a.m.!!!
Our second day looked very similar. We slept in a little bit longer and hit the Animal Kingdom first thing. We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe (the food was seriously some of the worst I've ever had, but it was so cool on the inside!)
We spent the early evening back in the Magic Kingdom and then headed to the Contemporary Hotel for a character dinner. Aidan has not stopped talking about meeting Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck. Aidan had napped in our stroller for a bit prior to dinner so we took advantage of the park being open until 3am for resort guests. It was like having the park to ourselves.
Monday, we decided we would spend the day at Epcot. Well so did the rest of the world. The lines to eat were out of control. There is really very few rides in Epcot but we managed to get on the Norweigen boat ride with little wait time. We walked the whole loop and checked out all the countries. Then we headed back to where else? The Magic Kingdom. We had dinner at the restaurant modeled after the Italian one in Lady and The Tramp, watched the nightly fireworks and rode our favorite rides a few more times before calling it a night!
Our trip had come to an end! Aidan threw up the entire 9 hour ride home. Adam and I were feeling guilty that it was probably from exhaustion but he took it like a champ and slept most of the time. The second we pulled in to town he wanted to see his Grandparents to tell them all about his trip. I think it was to show off his new pirate hat, two pirate guns, pirate sword, two set of pirate hand cuffs, three Mickey tshirts, Mickey Snuggie, stuffed Donald Duck, special edition knit Mickey Mouse, autograph book, matching Disney Pen, monogrammed Mickey ears and the 25 photos he begged me to take of he and Minnie. Adam never made it to Disney as a kid so he was making up for it by buying Aidan everything he touched. You only live once right?
A few things I learned for next time (if we get that brave again):
Bring your own stroller. Yes, the convenience of renting one is nice and we did the first day but they are the most uncomfortable things for your child! We brought our Bob Jogger and it was perfect.
Pack snacks. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it this time but you are allowed to bring your own food/drink in. We brought water bottles but that was it. It still saved us a ton of money!
Always pack for warm and cold weather. The first two days it was almost 80 and the last day it was barely 55! Luckily we brought coats but people were freezing. They still got in the pool though!
We had so much fun! I couldn't imagine taking Aidan any younger than he is. He just wouldn't have understood the whole Disney experience. He probably won't remember this trip in ten years but taking him any earlier I think would have been to appease us. I think it's too much for little, little kids. Anyways, I hope you love the video and if anyone has great Disney tips send them my way for the future! Xo
Monday, we decided we would spend the day at Epcot. Well so did the rest of the world. The lines to eat were out of control. There is really very few rides in Epcot but we managed to get on the Norweigen boat ride with little wait time. We walked the whole loop and checked out all the countries. Then we headed back to where else? The Magic Kingdom. We had dinner at the restaurant modeled after the Italian one in Lady and The Tramp, watched the nightly fireworks and rode our favorite rides a few more times before calling it a night!
Our trip had come to an end! Aidan threw up the entire 9 hour ride home. Adam and I were feeling guilty that it was probably from exhaustion but he took it like a champ and slept most of the time. The second we pulled in to town he wanted to see his Grandparents to tell them all about his trip. I think it was to show off his new pirate hat, two pirate guns, pirate sword, two set of pirate hand cuffs, three Mickey tshirts, Mickey Snuggie, stuffed Donald Duck, special edition knit Mickey Mouse, autograph book, matching Disney Pen, monogrammed Mickey ears and the 25 photos he begged me to take of he and Minnie. Adam never made it to Disney as a kid so he was making up for it by buying Aidan everything he touched. You only live once right?
A few things I learned for next time (if we get that brave again):
Bring your own stroller. Yes, the convenience of renting one is nice and we did the first day but they are the most uncomfortable things for your child! We brought our Bob Jogger and it was perfect.
Pack snacks. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it this time but you are allowed to bring your own food/drink in. We brought water bottles but that was it. It still saved us a ton of money!
Always pack for warm and cold weather. The first two days it was almost 80 and the last day it was barely 55! Luckily we brought coats but people were freezing. They still got in the pool though!
We had so much fun! I couldn't imagine taking Aidan any younger than he is. He just wouldn't have understood the whole Disney experience. He probably won't remember this trip in ten years but taking him any earlier I think would have been to appease us. I think it's too much for little, little kids. Anyways, I hope you love the video and if anyone has great Disney tips send them my way for the future! Xo
Oh my goodness, what a sweet video. You took some really great pictures of Aidan (how can you not). It looks like you all had a blast!!!! I love It's a small world ride:)