Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Status of Scout

I have been very open with EVERYONE about the status of the dog situation around here.

 I've had dogs in the past. We gave two away just before Aidan was born.  I had an English Bulldog named Lucy that I absolutely adored but she started to attack Adam when I was pregnant.  We did what we thought was the best thing and gave her to a very nice family. I still miss her.  Then there was Frasier our Sharpei.  When Adam and I first started dating we did the typical cliche relationship thing and got a puppy together.  When Lucy started getting aggressive and we had decided to find her a new home, Adam's parents expressed interest in having Frasier come live with them.  We were never home and they were so it worked out perfect.  He is still with them today and happy as a clam.  Over two years ago, we tried to make it work with a friend's English Bulldog that he couldn't keep and that didn't work out.  We were just too busy with Aidan and it was unfair to the dog. 

 "Mom, take a picture of me and Scouty."   Daily occurrence.

So i didn't know if I was ready to try the dog thing again.  I would be lying right through this computer if I told you I was anything short of furious when Adam brought Scout home.  I had a moment where I was channeling my own mother when I begged for that English bulldog years earlier. I was giving him lectures on responsibility and how our life style just isn't conducive.  I was fuming at the thought of a puppy having accidents on our nice rugs and dog hair all over our furniture.  Ever heard the saying "You can have a nice Home or you can have a Dog."

How could you not love that face?

 Let's not forget to mention why on Earth would he make such a decision without consulting me? The thing is, I love the idea of a dog...I don't like the work that comes along with it. It is a HUGE responsibility. At least children can eventually feed themselves and use the bathroom on their own. Dogs are dependent on you for those things FOREVER.

Scout doesn't seem to mind that Aidan takes him everywhere.

 Compromising is not my strongest point. But compromising is just what I had to do.  And it looked like this. SCOUT CAN HAVE A TRIAL RUN.  I didn't know if I would last 2 hours or 2 weeks but I said I would try.  I would put the effort in to make it work.  Everyone (Aidan included) is going to pitch in. We're going to train the dog. I want him on a schedule and I don't want him in our beds or on our other furniture. We all committed to try it out and see how things went.


I am really happy to's been pretty easy. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever wanted a Jack Russell Terrier.  Everything I have ever heard about their temperament kind of turned me off.   The words "lots of energy" would not have been ones I would like to hear when selecting a breed.   A co-worker of mine has a Jack Russell and when he heard about our new puppy told me to take him back!  But Scout is really, really great.  He just fits with us. I don't know if it was/is the endless amounts of praying I do that he will work out so Aidan's heart isn't broken or if it's just that the three of us were so determined to make it work out but it has. 

Aidan is crazy about him.

The last 2 months have flown by and we have stayed on a schedule and we have stuck to keeping him off the furniture and his accidents have been minimal. He listens, he's good with Aidan (they spend hours in the back yard together) and even the cats like him! There is a benefit to him being a small breed because we are able to bring him a lot of places with us. One of my biggest fears would be that he would spend all his time in a crate. All in all, he's been a welcome addition to our little family. I am sure there will be more times I will look at Adam and think "I am going to kill you for bringing this dog home" but those thoughts will be few and far between I'm sure. I just ordered his monogrammed collar and dog bed.  Scout is here to stay.   

So teeny tiny here.


He does get to get in our bed once in a while at night and snuggles.  But he sleeps in his crate every night.  On Christmas I was willing to let him sleep with us (gasp!) but he wanted to sleep in his crate.  He loves it in there.

I'm a sucker for that puppy smell. 

Christmas Day snuggle fest at the Harvey house.

  Riding in the car to get Starbucks.  Paw inside Adam's vest.  He's getting big!

The most recent picture of Scout. Sleeping at my feet while I type this!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Love, Us

Merry Christmas! Here is our 2011 Harvey Family Christmas card!

Hopefully by now everyone has received our Christmas card. I was so late getting them out this year because every weekend I tried to plan to take photos of Aidan, he was either sick or the weather wasn't cooperating. I had all but given up when the opportunity arose for us to take some photos of him at Mike's house in Waxhaw. The old barn and open fields are the perfect back drop for pictures.

I know I am biased but I just think he is so handsome! The front of the card is probably my favorite picture I have taken of him EVER. We are having it blown up and framed. He is growing up way too fast. As much as I love to watch him grow, it is so bittersweet.

Feeling really blessed to be celebrating another Holiday season with such a sweet boy. 

We hope you are all enjoying your time with your families and keeping the real reason for the season at the fore front of your hearts and minds!  Merry, Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Preschool Christmas Program

Aidan's Pre School started doing a little Christmas program last year so this was their Second Annual.  They do a great job practicing with the kids.  Each class sings two songs and then the TK kids did a little skit about the birth of Jesus.  It was so cute!

Here are the two short videos I took of Aidan singing with his class.  He doesn't sing a word of "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" but he is pretty good at the "Reindeer Pokey".  He is third from the right. 

"Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer"

"The Reindeer Pokey"

Here's the only picture I got of him at his Christmas Party following in his classroom.  There wasn't much going on so we split and went out for a big breakfast! He was mortified they made him wear antlers.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Aidan Sings Jingle Bells

One night we went to dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant and Aidan just started singing Christmas carols.  We had no idea he even knew the words to "Jingle Bells".  Well he really only knows the chorus but it still counts! We think he is hilarious.  I also have a pet peeve about people talking/singing with their mouths full.  I express that about half way though while Aidan is singing and eating a tortilla chip.  Haha!

You may want to pause the music at the bottom of my blog before starting the video.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Card Outtakes

This past Saturday I finally got around to taking pictures of Aidan for our Christmas card.  I will show it all to you just as soon as I start to hear people have received theirs in the mail! Hey, better late than never!

We used our friend Mike's barn in Waxhaw as a back drop and I am soooooo happy with how the photos came out.  I am definitely not a pro photog but I usually take about 50 pictures and get 20 I like and 5 I love! I think that's pretty good.  

Adam was a great assistant and Aidan was patient and cute as can be! Here are a few of the pictures that didn't make the card (for obvious reasons).


He's even cute in his "bad photos".

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weekends in Waxhaw

One of Adam's best friend's Mike has a house out in Waxhaw, NC.  He has some land with the house and we have seriously grown to love going out there this year. 

His son Ryland is Aidan's BFF so they have a great time.  It's tons of free space for them to run and they can get in to just about anything and we let them be. They jump in the leaves, climb all over the barn, ride their four wheelers through the corn fields and now Mike has added a trampoline to the they have that to do as well. It's a little man's dream come true out there. 

Mike builds a bonfire and the adults switch off enjoying a beverage and taking the boys on "Nature Walks".
Chelsea and I are not huge fans. I mean it's pitch black out in those woods!
Adam totally caught off guard here. Haha! Still cute!
Chelsea and I bundled up around the fire! Love this girl!
Me and my hunny bunny.  Hi, my name is April and I have a serious addiction. His name is Aidan.  Poor thing, I am constantly harassing him to let me hold him/kiss him/squeeze him and I am always asking him one million questions because I love to hear him talk. 

Chels and I have a little segment coming up entitled " A City Girl's Guide to Surviving in the Country". It should be pretty hilarious and packed full of helpful information so stay tuned!!! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Clemson vs. Virginia Tech-ACC Championship Game

Clemson played Virginia Tech in the ACC Championship game the first weekend in December. (That's how old this post is).  My youngest brother Jordan is a Senior at Clemson and we are now huge when my parents heard the game was going to be here in Charlotte at Bank of America stadium, they bought 12 tickets! 
Since they are PSL owners for the Panthers they get first dibs on tickets to these events.  The seats were just two rows behind our 6 season seats.  Jordan brought some of his friends and we all had a great time!
You probably know this by now, but Clemson killed VT. It was a great game! Go Tigers!

The parents and I.  My Dad is making a goofy smile on purpose.

Mr. & Mrs.

Me and Jordan.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Polar Express Trip

I had heard about the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad doing a Polar Express event every year. Last year they sold out before I could get tickets so this year I was sure to get them in enough time so we could all go. 

Adam insisted we buy the "First Class" tickets and I am so glad we did.  I think they were about $30 more than the other train cars and I have to tell you, if it's something you consider doing, I would spend the money on the upgrade.  The coach class cars were a little run down. 

My copy of the Polar Express was missing in action so my mother ran out the morning before we left and bought Aidan a copy.  A CD came with the book so Aidan was able to read and listen along on the ride up the mountain. That way he knew what was going on during the trip. Thanks Mom! You are the best!!  The ride was marvelous and the railroad did a great job making it just like the book.  Santa was perfect!

Is it weird I had never been through a tunnel in the side of a mountain so had to take a picture??
Of course the fourth member of the Harvey family could not miss out on our little road trip. I don't know if we are teaching Aidan responsibility here or if we are working him a little hard.  But the dog had to pee .
Sorry this pics are so grainy. iPhone! Getting ready to walk across the street to get our tickets!
Ticket and Happy Boy!
The Christmas lights on the train are so cute.
First Class Cars.  Can you see the chefs in the window? They sing.
Goofy picture of the kid but a memory.
And we're reading...
Now we're looking for Santa.
Check out the stash. Great Santa!
"It would make my mom really happy if she and I had a cute picture together so I will look away."-What I imagine Aidan was thinking.
Really dark family photo. 
Our Cabin.  It was soooo out in the middle of nowhere. We arrived in the dark and I was afraid to get out of the car.  It was beautiful on the inside and had a hot tub so that's a plus!
Putting my hair on Adam's head because we're cool like that.
Aid is not missing out on this.

It was a great night away. We had so much fun! Not a single decent place to eat in the entire town but we survived.  We're still on the fence about whether or not we would go again. But everyone who is a Polar Express fan should go at least once.  It's worth it!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Catch Up-Yearly Family Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Every year we take a trip up to Mooresville and visit Carrigan Farms to get our pumpkins.  They do a hay ride out to the patch and there is a small petting zoo.  You pick your pumpkins and then they serve us Apple Cider.  Going to the Pumpkin Patch was one of the traditions we wanted to start when Aidan was born and we have stuck with it! It's inexpensive and we all look forward to it. I don't think any of us can wait until we have another little Harvey to join us in the fun we have as a family!

I love the relationship these two have.  Aidan is so in love with his father and vice versa. My heart swells when I catch these little moments.

He's so happy.

My hubby is so handsome.

My child as a Cow and as a Pumpkin.

Animals from Petting Zoo.

Picking out our Pumpkins.

Big, strong boy in terrible need of a haircut. 

Are you still with me on all this catching up?