Friday, October 14, 2011

It's Just a House

A crazy thing happened two weeks ago.  My parents SOLD. THEIR. HOUSE.  My Mom called to tell me and I tried to sound really excited because I know they are ready to downsize but it was so bittersweet getting that phone call. 

I love that house. I remember when my parents first bought the land in Dilworth. It was after months and months and months of us driving around in the family van, getting out standing on lots looking to see where the best view of the city was, walking the neighborhood to see where we might like to build our home. I remember we would tease my Dad that he would never build a house on that lot.

I remember when the blue prints were drawn up and construction started. I remember being in awe of how big the house was and how lucky I felt that my Dad was building such a beautiful place for us to grow up.
I remember sitting in my room when we had just moved in and being overwhelmed at how my parents had gone to every length to make it perfect for me.  The purple walls and huge walk in closet were a girls dream come true.  After years of sharing a bthroom with two brothers I had one all to myself!!!!

The best memories have been made in the Dilworth house.  We grew up in that house.  We've stood around that kitchen island and laughed together as a family, we've broke bread at the table and talked about life.  We've seen friends and relationships come and go.  We mourned the loss of my Nana in this house.  We watched my parents grow older and more in love in this house. Bobby moved away from this house and then back and then away and now back again.  Jordan got accepted to Clemson here.  It's the house Aidan spent so many of his firsts days in.  It's the house Adam and I fell in love in it was the first place we came when we were engaged. 

            Its not just the house I'll miss. It's the feeling I have when I'm there, the neighborhood, the people. 
I think everyone will miss it.  It will forever be a sign of growth, success and great happiness for our family.
It's just that the times are changing and there is no need for my Mom and Dad to have so much space.   We are all moved out and it's time for a new family to move in and for other kids to get to experience all the fun there is to be had inside that place.  For a new family to make new memories here.
So we'll pack everything up and remember IT'S JUST A HOUSE.  The memories we get to take with us.

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