Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is it Tuesday Already?

This post was titled "Is it Monday Already?" but a case of the Monday's got the best of me so here we are on posting on Tuesday. 

Aidan was really, really sick last week and stayed home from school a few days with Adam so I was excited to get home on Friday and scoop him up.  Aidan was in the mood for Mexican and since he was sick (well really anytime) he got what he wanted and we ate dinner at our favorite neighborhood Mexican restaurant.  Did you know I ate Mexican at least 4 nights a week while I was pregnant? Do you think that's where he gets it from?

Adam surprised me with the new iPhone 4s on Friday for our anniversary.   He really is the best! I had a Droid previously and was loving it but his phone (also a Droid) needed to be upgraded so he bought the iPhone for me and took over my Droid.  We're both happy!  Prior to me buying him his iPad for his birthday a few weeks ago, we owned a teeny tiny iPod shuffle and that was it.  We were not an Apple family.  I think it's safe to say there is no going back.  I spent the majority of my free time downloading apps and taking tons of pics on the new phone.  Realistically I spent way too much time than should ever be allowed playing with a PHONE.  Being the thoughtful guy that he is, Adam also bought me a cute cover in purple. My favorite color.  Let me know if there's an APP I have to have!

Saturday we headed to my parents to start helping them pack to move to their rental house (condo won't be ready for 6 months) and although we packed the entire garage, I think we ended up with more stuff at our house than in boxes.  My parents have such great furniture and antiques, I couldn't help but secretly hope they would unload some of it on me during this move.  I might have got what I wished for and more.  They haven't even started deciding what pieces of art they are taking with them. For those of you that have never been in my parents house, they have an incredible art collection. I am keeping my fingers crossed some pieces will have to come my way!

Antique Radio
{a little dusty}

What do I call this?
We are going to plant English Ivy at the base.

This bookshelf is gorgeous in real life.  Terrible picture.
Again, extremely dusty from not being used for awhile but I've had my eye on
this bad boy for a while. The spindles are on the sides as well.  No clue
where I will put this.

Saturday night Adam wanted to continue our Anniversary Celebration and cook and have a nice dinner on the patio out back.
 We cleaned the patio off and re arranged some furniture.
I lit some of the leftover candles from Adam's party and we bought great steaks from the Fresh Market and grilled them.  I really couldn't think of any other way I would have liked to spend my weekend.  We were all feeling kind of crappy at this point and being at home with my boys is my idea of the perfect night.

And as usual...YOU KNOW WHO woke up and joined in on the fun.  He came outside with his blankie and lounged on the day bed while we ate.  He asked us a million questions about anniversaries and being married.  It was hilarious and he was absolutely thrilled one of our cats Uncle Bentley snuggled up with him.

Sunday I woke up with the world's worst migraine (which is common these days) and Adam had to go in to work for a little while.  We skipped our trip to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend and Aidan and I vegged out and watched the Panthers get annihilated play.  We took a nap ( I love a nap) and then hopped in the car and went to my parents.  My mom's personal trainer stopped by and the three of us sat on the steps leading out to my parents courtyard and chatted over a glass of wine while Aidan terrorized my Dad.
Adam got off of work just in time for dinner and we ordered take out and again picknicked in the backyard on the day bed by the chiminea.  Adam has caught whatever it was that Aidan had last week and is feeling pretty crummy.

We wrapped up the weekend with Sunday night HBO and got up yesterday already looking forward to the upcoming weekend.  It always goes by way too quick!

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