Thursday, August 11, 2011

What My Life is All About...

I have a ton of random photos of Aidan on my camera.  I try to carry my camera with me everywhere but I have become terrible at taking pics at significant times.  I still love any photo of him. Such a sweetheart. And so BIG!

He was talking to us the other night and I thought the way he was standing was hilarious.
Crashed after a day at the pool. 
Saturdays with Ryland in Waxhaw.

Panther Paw from Fan Fest with Nana and Grandpa

I SPY books with Mommy. 
He LOVES for Adam to snuggle with him at bedtime and they always fall asleep.  (and I always take pictures)

Seriously cannot believe how big Aidan is getting. Time is truly flying by.

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