Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Road To Here

Isn't it funny how a song can bring you back to a time in your life?

The other day I was alone in the car ( a very rare occasion) and I was trying to find something, ANYTHING to listen to on the radio.  Mostly to take my mind of this heat!  I stopped when I heard a familiar song "When You Say Nothing At All" by Allison Krauss.

I don't know what it is about that song but I was instantly daydreaming about the April I was 6 years ago. 8 years ago.  I was a part time Interior Design student and a full time girlfriend in a supremely immature, selfish relationship.  I was more worried about what I was doing that weekend than I was about anything else.  My priorities were all over the place.  I was young, and they are memories I will cherish forever.  I met some of my closest girlfriends during that time.  But I spent a lot of time in denial that I was in all the wrong places in my life.  I was spending a lot of time being the April I thought everyone else wanted me to be.  I had lost myself. 

The song ended and just as life would have it, "Hey Soul Sister" by Train came on the radio.  I lifted my head off of my fist, leaning up against the window and started to sing along. I was brought right back and suddenly smiling so hard it hurt thinking about all the times Adam has sung this song to me in the kitchen while we danced around Aidan at our feet.  So much has changed in those short years. Everything is so different now then it was then.  The people, the places, the feelings.  I grew up.  I met Adam, I bought a house.  I started to feel like me again.  Aidan came along.  I had evolved in to the girl I always wanted to be. 

It's all so much different.  Luckily, this different is perfect.  8 years ago I didn't know I was on the road to here. But this is where I was always going to end up.  Right here where I was always meant to be.  It just took a hot afternoon, and one old cheesy country song to make me realize it.


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