Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Week At The Beach

Head over to It's a Love Thing today!!!! I am guest blogging about Aidan's birth story!  You can also directly link to Amber's blog by clicking her button in my right sidebar!!! Thanks so much Amber!


My parents treated us to a week at Emerald Isle last week! It was so nice to get out of the city and just veg out.  It was also nice the beach was a short walk away and the pool was outside our door!  We haven't taken a family vacay in a long time so it was nice to get away with the family. My youngest brother Jordan didn't make it down but we wish he had! We missed you, Jordan!  Thanks Mom and Dad for a great week!

I was really bad about taking pictures this trip.  It is a lot of work having a toddler on vacation.  They are totally outside of their element and Aidan was high strung the entire trip.  Adam and I both agree we wouldn't change our life with Aidan for anything but vacations look a lot different than they did 5 years ago.  The sheer amount of stuff it takes to travel with a child is nuts. 

{Some of these are a little "foggy"}
Aidan is absolutely fearless when it comes to water.

His feet were barely in the sand and he was taking off for the ocean.

Sunday night my mom and I were alone on the beach with Aidan and he wanted to swim.  We almost had dueling heart attacks with the strength of the under toe and his determination to ride some waves. 

Thank God my husband loves the water as well and was willing to spend hours in the ocean with him.

We spent even more time in the pool.  Uncle Bobby was so much fun for Aidan to hang out with and Grandpa was too.  My Dad is notorious for egging Aidan on to do things I would never let him get away with.  Examples from this week:  shooting strangers with water toys. 

Uncle Bobby. 

Nana got in some nap time.  My poor Mom had Bronchitis the entire week we were there {and the week prior!}.  She luckily was able to get lots of relaxation time in.

Evening out his tan lines.

The pool wore us out...

So late afternoons were spent lounging around watching movies or taking naps.

The sunsets were beautiful...

and Aidan even got to play his first game of mini golf while we were there!
{Moving toddler=Fuzzy pictures}

It was a great trip! We wish we were still there!
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation!

1 comment:

  1. You take the sweetest pictures of Adian and Adam. So darn cute I can hardly stand it.
