Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We spent the last week at the beach and we made it home just in time this week to celebrate the 4th here in Charlotte!   It started raining just as we were set to head out the door to go see fireworks uptown.  Adam suggested, we call in some take out and find a good parking spot and instead of going in to the stadium, just sit on the tailgate of the Jeep and watch the show from there.  I am so glad we did.  It was like having front row seats to the fireworks show!   Thank you to all the men and women who fight for our freedom!  We know our Independence is a gift.  We hope y'all had a wonderful 4th!

When we arrived the rain was just letting up and the sun was starting to shine.  There was this perfect rainbow.  You can't see it in this picture but there was another rainbow right above it.  

Aidan enjoyed his Brixx pizza.  I swear he takes every opportunity to wear those fireman rain boots.

Handsome hubby.

Aidan and Mommy.  No make up, in my sweats.  Great way to watch fireworks!

The sky was gorgeous after the storm.  The city looked so pretty.

Some shots of my little guy.  He was so excited for the fireworks. I'm glad the rain gave us a break so he could see them.

Confession: 4th of July is my favorite holiday and fireworks make me cry. Is that weird?  I don't know what it is but 30 seconds in to the show, I was tearing up.  Adam laughed at me.  Haha. 

Happy 4th of July!

 P.S. I am putting together a giveaway for when I reach 100 followers.  So if you are a reader and not a follower yet will you follow me?  Just find the follow button in the right sidebar! Thanks so much!

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