Friday, June 10, 2011

What's on My Heart Fridays

What a crazy week this has been! Do I say that every Friday? It sure does feel like it!!!  The week started out kind of crazy and I was a bit overwhelmed mid week but my friends really rallied around me and made me feel so much better....

Natalie, Thanks for offering to help.  I should be helping you! You crazy good friend with a newborn!!!

Amanda, You are always checking in on me.  In the world of my friends, you are my staple.

Stephanie, Your email made my week.  Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.

Candace, For loving on my kid all week when I had so little energy to do it myself. 

Christin, That comment on FB about being glad to have me as a friend.  My heart almost blew up.  Can you come sooner?

Mom, You don't even know I'm upset sometimes but we laugh together and it changes my mood right around. 

Julie, For coming over last night, dragging me out of bed and going to dinner.  Ah. Good times as always auntie JuJu.

Adam, For starting a bathroom remodel two days before we have a huge party at our house.  It added a ton to my plate but I know it's your way of loving me.  Ha!

Thank you for all of the sweet, encouraging comments on the blog, via email, text this week.  I needed it and I appreciate you all!  The highlight of my week was definetely Aidan's birthday and Cohen's balloon release!

I am still crazy go, go, go April. It's probably not going to change.  I'm typing a blog at 11:44 and I still have 15 Spiderman masks to make before my bedtime.  I am working up the plan to RE paint our laundry room next week.  I need to do some adjusting and stop worrying about all the little stuff.  It probably wouldn't hurt to get a few extra hours of sleep a night either.  At least it's Friday and I have vacation to look forward to in a couple of weeks! 

Aidan's b-day post should be up Monday.  And apparently we will have a new bathroom to debut in the next couple of days so be looking for that!

And if you feel like it...would you do me a big favor and Follow Me?   Right side bar, click follow.  It's that easy! Thanks so much!!!

Link up with Casey for What's on Your Heart Fridays!!!


  1. There are times when we really have to rely on those around us. I'm glad you have so many special people in your life to do so.

  2. friends are wonderful. It's great you are blessed with those that truly care about you!
