Monday, June 13, 2011

Aidan's Birthday Week-Part One

I always try to make birthdays a big deal around here.   I mean it's the one day of the year that is all about you!!! And we all deserve to be celebrated!!  We have a tendency to get a little crazy when it comes to Aidan.  

The week leading up to Aidan's birthday I kept telling him "4 more days {3 more days, tomorrow is...} until your birthday and each time he was perk up and say "now Mommy?".  "Not now Aidan, but soon".   The morning of his birthday, I got up, got ready for work and went it to his room where he was still fast asleep.  I knelt down next to his bed and started to sing "Happy Birthday".  When I was done, with his eyes still closed, the biggest smile came across his face and he said "Now Mommy."  I replied "yes Aidan, now is your birthday."  He opened his eyes, kissed me and said "Thank You Mommy."  It was such a sweet moment.   It was hard to leave him on his big day but Adam had a big day planned for the two of them.

Once I left the house Adam got him up, dressed and they were out the door and headed to the Columbia Zoo for the day.  They stopped and had Cracker Barrel breakfast on the way.  I know they had the best time.  Adam is literally the most patient, giving person and he spoils Aidan rotten.  He just can't help himself he loves him so much. 

I was able to leave work an hour early to get home to prepare to go to dinner with the boys.   First we did Cohen's balloon release.  We have a favorite Mexican restaurant in the neighborhood and that is where Aidan wanted to eat.  The whole restaurant sang him "Happy Birthday" and he loved it!

After that we headed to my parents for a little Spiderman cake with them. 

 Make a Wish!!!

It was a great 4th Birthday! He was dying waiting for Saturday to come around for his party!!!

Part Two Coming Soon!

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