Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Night in the Country

Our friend Michael has a house in Waxhaw, NC which is about 10 minutes outside of Charlotte and every once in while we get the invite out to the "Country House" as Aidan calls it and we have a great time.  Over the summer we camped out on the property but this time we were lucky enough to be allowed inside. Haha!  It was freezing but worth every goose bump to get to spend time with Mike, his lovely girlfriend Chelsea, my hubby and of course Aidan got to spend time with his best buddy Ryland.

Mike restored this mini bike that has been in his family for years for his Ryland.   He is still too young to ride it but we thought it would be fun lean the bike up against a stump and take some pics of the boys on it. 
Aren't they cuties!!!
They both have these Kawasaki four wheelers and when one of them dies, they just double up!

Sitting in the top of the barn.  Only about 6 feet off the ground and Mike is hiding right to the side of them!
Chelsea's little Moose.

I love the old buildings.

The hubby is freezing.

More Moose.
Sometimes when we take pictures our eyes aren't open. Haha! Chelsea and Ryland are presh anyways!
 I stole these pictures from Chelsea's facebook page from a few weeks ago.
Adam and I enjoying the bonfire.
The boys being adorable as always.
We let them wear these little headlamps so that they can see what they are doing in the dark.

 We absolutely instructed them to pose for these hilarious photos.

And now I feel a little redneck. Haha!

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