Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy Christmas Bee

Hey y'all!!!! Are you as busy as me? I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! I have been so busy trying to shop, wrap, shop, bake, wrap, shop more I have barely had time to eat. Where has this month gone? I hate being rushed to get everything done. I feel like I miss the entire season.

I also have to confess I am a little down in the dumps we aren't a family of four yet. I thought in my head we would have a baby or news of a new baby by this Christmas when I was setting up for Christmas last year. It just wasn't the year for us. Maybe next year? Haha again? My extra Christmas stockings may be deteriorated by the time we have another little one running around here. Seriously, pray that is not the case!

We do have so much to be grateful for this season though! Great family, friends that might as well be family, our health, and our beautiful little house with its little bit of Christmas twinkle.

We are so excited to celebrate the birth of our Savior and to see Aidan's excitement when he wakes up on Christmas morning.

I can't wait for things to slow down a little bit after this week! Are we on the same page?

1 comment:

  1. It does feel like time is just flying by.. but I can't lie, I am looking forward to some more Ape, Aidan and Amanda time this week :)
