Monday, November 29, 2010

Epsom Salt Holiday Craft Extravaganza-Part 1-Snow Candles

My girlfriend Moment is doing an internship at Eric Mower and Associates here in Charlotte and she called me last week and asked me if I would be interested in creating some simple Christmas crafts using Epsom Salt and video taping them for an assignment.  Of course I jumped at the opportunity because A. I love anything crafty, especially at Christmas and B. because I knew we could share it here with you! Aren't you lucky?  

Here's a little tutorial on how to make some super cute candles to add to your Christmas decor. 

You will need:
As many candles as you want in varying sizes {I purchased the Sugar Cookie scented candles from Wal Mart because I was there on a fluke and they were priced from $1-$6.}

Epsom Salt {I purchased mine at my local drug store.  A five lb. bag for $6}

Modge Podge {Available at craft stores}

A paint brush

A cookie sheet

Aluminum Foil

Sparkles {optional}

Step 1:  Cover your cookie sheet in aluminum foil.
{If you are going to mix sparkles in to your Epsom Salt, now would be the time to do so}
Step 2:  Spread Epsom Salt over aluminum foil.
Step 3:  Take paint brush and apply Modge Podge to candle.  I applied mine three quarters of the way up.  You can apply it wherever you want to apply this look. 
Step 4:  Holding your candle by the wick and the bottom, roll the candle back and forth in the Epsom Salt.  If you are adding Epsom Salt to the top of our candle, use your fingers to add it.
And Voila!!!! Your done. 
I immediately set mine out on my table because they were on candle stands that allowed them to dry.  You should probably let them dry overnight before displaying them.
You can burn the candle like any other candle, it will not catch fire when it burns down to the salt.
Super cute and so easy to do!
A sneak peek in to my Christmas decorating.

There are two more projects to come!!!

P.S. Thanks Moment for such a fun couple of days crafting! I love our time together girlfriend!!! xoxo

I am linking up to the DIY Project Parade.

For more great ideas using Epsom Salt go here.


  1. Great idea! I recently posted a tutorial on candle ideas as well, but have never thought of using epsom salt!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this idea!!!I've got lots more epsom salt left after my mason jar candles, and I think I'm going to have to do this!!!

    I'll be following to see what else you do with it :)

  3. So cute! I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. These are so pretty! I just did some red glitter candles like this but I never thought of using epsom salt! Another great idea to save for next year!

  5. Thanks for sharing because this is not old beautiful but easy to do. Terry

  6. Very "Martha"!

    I hope it's okay that I shared a credited link to my post:
